Welcome to the eighth Mass Debate. This time Adi, Roger, Danny and Johnny discuss their favourite handheld systems! As always they are joined by an awesome special guest who gives their favourite system also.
Thank you to Marcus for the Package;
Special Thanks to Karl & Isabella;
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About 16bitbrothers
The 16BitBrothers are four good friends that have been playing games together for over a decade. They have been big fans of the retro YouTube community for some years, and in November 2012 decided to try and make there own videos.
Rogers love for games started with the Amiga 500 at the age of four. A few of his favourite games back then where Stunt Car Racer, Speedball 2, Chaos Engine and Gods and Cannon Fodder. Since then he has always loved gaming and now collects for his beloved Amiga500. He is a keen rugby player and loves playing golf with Danny.
Johnny grew up playing the Sega MegaDrive and so has always had a soft spot for the 16bit era. His favourite games include Sonic the Hedgehog, Streets of Rage 2 and Street Fighter 2 Championship Edition. He now collects for the NES, SNES and GameCube. Not for nostalgia, but because he wants to catch up on all the amazing titles he missed out on as a child. Johnny is the chief editor of the 16BitBrothers which pretty much takes up most his time.
Adi first played on his brothers Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum and Amiga 500 before getting a console of his own. It was a Christmas present that would spawn a love for video games for the rest of his life. That console was the NES! He has always loved Nintendo from those early days and has since started collecting everything game related he can get his hands on. Adi is a fantastic tattoo artist and loves playing football. He can mostly be found looking though the car boot sales, charity stores and checking eBay for games and other cool stuff.
Danny got a Sega Mastersystem one Christmas and was hooked from that moment on! Danny gets his nostalgia fix from the 8-bit and 16-bit Gen, but appreciates all generations of gaming. Some of his favorite games include Double Dragon, Streets of Rage and all things Zelda. Danny collects mainly for the NES and SNES, but has a good range of other systems he collects for too. He loves to beat Roger at golf and you can be sure to find him sneaking around the car boots on a regular basis.