
JAPAN GAME PICKUPS! 26 Games + Collectables (Switch, PS5, PS1, Vita, Xbox 360)

  Here are all the Japanese import games I picked up on our trip to Japan. GAMES SHOWN: The Adventure of Little Ralph (PS1) Baten Kaitos I & II HD Remaster (Switch) Metallic Child Advanced (Switch) Red PSP Onechanbara Special …

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Metal Jesus in JAPAN – Game Hunting in TOKYO & Yokohama!

  Part 3 of my epic trip to Japan, this time we sightsee around Tokyo, go up in the Shibuya Sky, rock out at heavy metal bar, visit the Ramen Museum and explore the Gundam Factory + lots of GAME …

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Metal Jesus in JAPAN – Game Hunting in OSAKA & KOBE!

  We continue our trip in Osaka Japan doing some sightseeing, visiting Universal Studios Japan & Super Nintendo World, trying tasty food, visiting the city of Kobe and and yes… lots and lots of VIDEO GAME HUNTING!  Super Nintendo World …

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DaemonClaw a New 16-Bit Upcoming Neo Geo & Sega Mega Drive Game!

Daemon Claw is a new game for the PC, Neo Geo AES/MVS, and Sega Mega Drive by Neo Fid,BitBeamCannon and PixelHeart. In this video I take a closer look at the game. I am not affiliated with this game project, …

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New Evercade Sydney Hunter Collection Review

I check out the new Sydney Hunter Collection for the Evercade. This bundle includes Sydney Hunter and the Caverns of Death for the SNES, Sydney Hunter and the Shrines of Peril for the Intellivision, Sydney Hunter and The Sacred Tribe …

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Happy Console Gamer talks anime, gaming and more | Select Screen

  Happy Console Gamer has brought some much needed positive vibes in the retro gaming community, and was one of the earliest pioneers in the YouTube content creation space for video gaming content. Today on the newly updated edition of …

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Shane of Rerez talks YouTube journey and more | Select Screen

  Rerez makes content that mostly discusses video games including new titles, consoles, previews, oddities, rare titles, unknown hardware, classic and retro games. He is mostly well known for his reviews of bootleg gaming consoles. He is also known for …

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My Visit to the ATG Expo

I visit the ATG Expo, a fun gaming event held in Waco, TX. More about The ATG Expo: For additional posts by Gamester81: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: My Star Wars fan site:  

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