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Interview with Scottsquatch (videogamesellers) Game On Expo. Enjoy!
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Fayetteville Comic Con 2016 Tour and Pick Ups! | RGT 85
Fayetteville Comic Con 2016 is in the books! Check out my tour of the event floor, some of the guests, and of course what I bought at Fayetteville Comic Con 2016! For additional posts by RetroGamingTube 85: Click Here Join the …
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Niels Brouwers on Patreon asks: What is the most METAL videogame of all time? This is a tough question because do you go for the game soundtrack? Or how about the atmosphere and story? What about licensed games? We …
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ALL NEW: PlayStation 4 / PS4 Games – Hidden Gems
The Sony Playstation 4 (PS4) is a huge success with hundreds of games released from big Triple-AAA titles to small independent games and more. Here Reggie and Metal Jesus tell you some of our favorite hidden gems games for …
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Battlesloths game interview from PAX West 2016
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