Pokemon Side Games & Hidden Gems

Pokemon Side Games & Hidden Gems


Kelsey from Pink Gorilla Games stops by and shows us some of the side games from the Pokemon series. This includes hidden gems, imports from Japan, and even bootlegs and rom hacks you may have not known about!

English Games:
Pokemon Snap
Pokemon Channel
Pokemon Colosseum

Pokemon Typing
Pokemon Picross
Pokemon Hajimete
Pokemon Tretta Lab

Pokemon Snakewood
Pokemon Crazy Hit
“Pocket Monster”

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About MetalJesusRocks

The Metal Jesus is a long-haired rocker dude who used to work in the video game industry back in the 90′s at Sierra On-Line (publisher of PC classics like Quest for Glory, King's Quest, Leisure Suit Larry and much more). Later he was the editor of a professional video game review web site, and dabbled in audio & video production. He loves music and video games with a passion!