Q-Bert Color LCD MiniCade from Basic Fun!


Released by Basic Fun (basicfun.com) in January of this year (2017)  this little minicade is actually quite a bit of fun.   It has the same cabinet design as the earlier Pac Man and Space Invaders but has one major difference.  Whereas the Pac Man and Space Invaders minicades had monochromatic LCD displays, this one has a FULL COLOR SCREEN!  This is what Basic Fun should have done with the first two!

Just as in the other minicades, there is a on/off switch and a 3 position volume control.  This minicade also features a pause button as well.   the box it comes in has very nice artwork and looks great on the shelf with its brethren.

The Color LCD screen is crisp and can be seen quite well.  the joystick control is responsive and is set up to work in the diagonal orientation like the Qbert arcade game.  Game sounds are good and the artwork on the minicade has also been very well done.  The game runs on 3 AA batteries and have a screw retention battery cover.  you will also notice this minicade is thicker than the earlier releases, this is due to having the color screen and more electronics inside.  It still costs under 20 dollars, which is not bad at all.

This particular mincade is number 04 (Centipede is 03) in the Arcade Classics Series that Basic Fun has been releasing.   I only hope a Galaga or Galaxian minicade comes out with a full color screen as well!

They look right at home up on the shelf!



  1. Full color screen
  2. Great packaging
  3. Authentic arcade sounds
  4. Responsive controls
  5. Nice plastic case with artwork
  6. Under 20 dollars


  1. Sometimes the system does not want to shut off
  2. the joystick can be difficult to use for people with larger hands.
  3. Screw retention battery cover

Overall I really love this Minicade!  I have hopes Basic Fun will re-release the Pac Man and Space Invaders versions with full color screens!

Rating: (5 out of 5 Minicades)

5 out of 5

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