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Retro Active
Not unlike many people still wrapped up in retro gaming Kevin started gaming at an early age with his first memories being ones of trying to shoot pixelated aliens down on his Atari 2600. His family later got a NES and then eventually he got his very own Sega Genesis which officially made gaming a permanent thing in Kevin’s life. When most of his friends moved on from gaming or onto the next greatest console Kevin held on to his Genesis finding the newest systems to just not be nearly as fun as his beloved 16 bit system. For the longest time PC gaming was the only modern gaming Kevin had any interest in but this did change slightly as he got older.
Of course as an adult with his own means of getting video games Kevin jumped right back into retro gaming and began buying all the classic games he played but never got to own as a child and even systems he had missed out on. Right about this time his web show RetroActive was conceived, but not for the reasons you would expect. Originally it was an idea brought about because of his mother who had read an article online about people reviewing these old video games he had started collecting and making money at it; a concept not foreign to him having visited many YouTube channels and web pages that did this for years. Knowing the money thing wasn’t even in the cards but bored and frustrated with college anyway, Kevin took the challenge. Having created the first episode Kevin found it to be really fun and quickly found with each episode it stayed fun and got great responses out of it. Soon the show was being featured on GameTrailes and ScrewAttack and later being a mainstay on RetrowareTV; he also was lucky enough to work with several great people.
Several years later Kevin is still working hard and having fun with RetroActive which is always adapting and evolving as Kevin learns more about not only retro gaming but also how to actually write, record and edit videos. Since the initial conception RetroActive has become a website, a podcast, and has had several sub-series created with no end in sight. Today the website imretroactive.com has become Kevin’s main focus allowing him to work with many great people who share his passions for retro gaming while writing articles, making videos, recording podcasts and just simply gaming.
Favorite Games: Sonic 2, Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, StarTropics, WonderBoy III, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, Half-Life, Shenmue, Kid Icarus
Favorite Platforms: Sega Genesis, Sega Master System, NES, Atari 2600, Gamecube, PC, Dreamcast