Super Mario World: Return to Dinosaur Land (SNES) Review



Review of Super Mario World: Return to Dinosaur Land on the SNES.

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About Shauntendo64

Shaun has enjoyed video games ever since he was young. He began game collecting 15 years ago with aspirations of a complete NES collection. Since that time he has amassed over 700 titles, and expanded into collecting for many other Nintendo consoles. In hopes of sharing his collection and experiences with the gaming community, he recently started a youtube channel under the title Shauntendo64. His channel features several different series, including a "Series Spotlight" that overviews entire game franchises and "Nintendo Power Recharged" where he reviews issues of Nintendo Power magazine. Shaun also enjoys the homebrew and reproduction realm of retrogaming, collecting titles and reviewing them in a series called "Repro Roundup" that can been seen on RetroLiberty. Favorite Systems: NES, SNES, anything Nintendo Favorite Game (series): Mario, Zelda, Metroid
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