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Tag Archives: sega dreamcast
5 Times A Sega Console Blew Me Away!
Despite growing up as a Nintendo fanboy, I branched out in my teenage years to begin appreciating Sega consoles. Here’s my look at 5 games that really impressed me on a technical standpoint. What are 5 Sega games that blew …
Dreamcast Hidden Gems | The Sega Dreamcast’s Best Kept Secrets
The Dreamcast is an awesome system that had a short lifespan due to problems at Sega. Let’s take a look at some Dreamcast Hidden Gems that every Dreamcast owner should own! And if you wondering just who I am, …
Making Sega Great Again | #MakeSegaGreatAgain
Sega once was a great company with a rich library of amazing games and amazing consoles, but once they left console market things started to become troublesome. Now Sega finds themselves against the ropes and facing a lot of …
RetroActive: Jet Set Radio
If you’re new, subscribe! http://bit.ly/1Mizefd RetroActive is back! Kevin talks about the classic Dreamcast game Jet Set Radio. This gem from Sega never gets old be it either the original version or the recent HD update! Subscribe to Kevin on YouTube …
Fruit’Y – Sega Dreamcast Homebrew Review
Going back with a new twist on a classic intro montage from over 5 years ago, the OCD Collector returns during the intro of this video! Fruit’Y is an extremely affordable Sega Dreamcast Homebrew game recently released. Is it worth …
“New” Game Room Tour
After a long move, Mike invites us for a tour of his New Gameroom and shows some of his coolest pieces in his collection. Check me out on: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MichaelBtheGameGenie Twitter: https://twitter.com/MikeBGameGenie Instagram: http://instagram.com/mikebgamegenie All music and video …
Why I Love Shenmue for Dreamcast
Shenmue 3 was the biggest surprise announcement at E3, and retro fans everywhere rejoiced at this announcement. Younger gamers may not remember Shenmue though, as the game came out in 1999. In this episode of Why I Love, I check …
MichaelB’s Game Room Tour 2014
Mike brings you inside his game room and gives you a look at his entire gaming collection as well as showing you some recent modifications to the room. Check me out on: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MichaelBtheGameGenie Twitter: https://twitter.com/MikeBGameGenie Instagram: http://instagram.com/mikebgamegenie All …
Game Pickups from the New Adventure Island – Genie’s Bad Fur Day
In this month’s pickups, Mike has a very bad experience with a rare N64 game, but thanks to a very tech savvy friend the crisis is adverted. Not to mention he picks up one of his rarest games for the …
Wrestle Reviews: ECW Anarchy Rulz
Wrestle Reviews ECW Anarchy Rulz Release 2000 Format Sega Dreamcast Sony Playstation Background ECW Anarchy Rulz is the sequel to the less than great ECW Hardcore Revolution (which we have reviewed here on the site) ECW Hardcore Revolution did not …
Wrestle Reviews: Giant Gram 2000: All Japan Pro Wrestling 3
Wrestle Reviews Giant Gram 2000: All Japan Pro Wrestling 3 Release 2000 Format Sega Dreamcast Background I have never been a big import gamer if I am honest, but one game that I went out of my way to import …
Wrestle Reviews: WCW Mayhem
Wrestle Reviews WCW Mayhem Release 1999 Format Sony Playstation Nintendo 64 Background WCW Mayhem was the very first WCW game to be released by EA. EA got the rights to make games based on WCW after THQ who previously made …
Dreamcast Deal of the Day
Welcome back to Video Games with James and to my Dreamcast deal of the day, which saw me and my wife hit the road to pick up a large Dreamcast haul which cost me £50. Would it turn …