Nintendo Famicom Disk System – Buying Guide + Best Games!


Family Computer Disk System was released only in Japan in 1986 and uses floppy disks to store retail games and save games. John Riggs is a collector of the system and shares his knowledge of the system and what games you will want to pick up day 1.

The Miracle of Almana
Meikyū Jiin Dababa
Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki Panic
The Mysterious Murasame Castle
Vs. Excitebike
Kick Challenger: Air Foot
Bio Miracle-I’m Upa

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About MetalJesusRocks

The Metal Jesus is a long-haired rocker dude who used to work in the video game industry back in the 90′s at Sierra On-Line (publisher of PC classics like Quest for Glory, King's Quest, Leisure Suit Larry and much more). Later he was the editor of a professional video game review web site, and dabbled in audio & video production. He loves music and video games with a passion!
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