10 More ARCADE GAMES – Hidden Gems for MAME

10 More ARCADE GAMES - Hidden Gems for MAME

10 More ARCADE GAMES – Hidden Gems for MAME

Jimmy and Metal Jesus show you 10 arcade hidden gems you need to play on your MAME arcade cab or through Launchbox.

Ninja Baseball Bat Man
Demon Front
The Cliffhanger Edward Randy
Light Bringer
Elevator Action Returns
Zero Team
Mars Matrix
Mystic Warriors
Magical Crystals
Wild West Cow Boys of Moo Mesa

Jimmy: http://www.youtube.com/lotsofgames

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About MetalJesusRocks

The Metal Jesus is a long-haired rocker dude who used to work in the video game industry back in the 90′s at Sierra On-Line (publisher of PC classics like Quest for Glory, King's Quest, Leisure Suit Larry and much more). Later he was the editor of a professional video game review web site, and dabbled in audio & video production. He loves music and video games with a passion!