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Author Archives: djslope
Pitfall!: The Complete History – SGR
The complete history of Pitfall has more highs than lows. You may be surprised at just how many games are available!
Johnny Turbo: The Worst Mascot Ever!!! – SGR
“Genesis does what nintendon’t” is nothing compared to THIS! For additional posts by djslope: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum Star Wars fan? Then check out our sister site: http://swnut77.com
Top 10 Rides based on Video Games – SGR
A Nintendo themed Theme Park is apparently on its way. However, did you know that there has already been quite a few rides and attractions around the world based on some of your favorite franchises? Here is my personal …
The completely Fu**ed up inspiration behind Ecco The Dolphin – SGR
viewers discretion is advised whilst watching the most messed up inspiration to any video game… EVER! For additional posts by djslope: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum Star Wars fan? Then check out our sister site: http://swnut77.com
GEE BEE: Namco’s 1st ever arcade game -SGR
Lets look back at the history of Namco and the 1st arcade game they ever made For additional posts by djslope: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum Star Wars fan? Then check out our sister site: http://swnut77.com
Chu Chu Rocket: The complete story – SGR
44 furgettable facts about… BUBSY – SGR (feat Kim Justice)
Both me & Kimble take a look at the bubsy franchise to come up with 44 furgettable facts… GET IT? FUR-GETTABLE… …I’m Sorry Be sure to subscribe and keep up to date for when new episodes become available… https://goo.gl/0cmnO6 …
The Video Kid: 80’s edition Review – SGR (contains minor spoilers)
Tom Clancy’s: The Division Review – SGR
It’s not everyday I get myself a NEW game, but when I do, I try and make sure its worth while… Let’s find out if The Division lives up to the hype! Be sure to subscribe and keep up to …
Nintendo World Championship Gold Cart Sold for $50! – SGR
Nintendo’s NES World Championship Cart is an ultra rare video game collectible worth untold amounts of money! This is how you can get one for $50… maybe! Be sure to subscribe and keep up to date for when new episodes …
McDonalds Video Games pt. 1 (The Ronald McDonald Trilogy) – SGR
Be sure to subscribe and keep up to date for when new episodes become available… https://goo.gl/0cmnO6 Let’s take a look at the unofficial Ronald McDonald trilogy in this 2 part video showcasing video games related to McDonalds. If …
Sega’s 1st ever mascot you never knew! – SGR
Be sure to subscribe and keep up to date for when new episodes become available… https://goo.gl/0cmnO6 SONIC IS NOT SEGA’S FIRST MASCOT ALEX KIDD IS NOT SEGA’S FIRST MASCOT OPA OPA IS NOT SEGA’S FIRST MASCOT WHO THE F**K …
Slope’s Unboxing – Data Disc Super Hang On 12″ Record
Be sure to subscribe and keep up to date for when new episodes become available… Let’s unbox possibly the sexiest Record in the DATA DISC set 🙂 If you would like to support the show and see my …
Top 10 Sega IP’s that never got sequels – SGR
A huge thanks goes to the Guru Larry AKA Larry Bundy Jr, If for some reason you have been living under a rock since the days of internet old then I highly suggest checking him out… https://www.youtube.com/user/LarryBun… If …