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Author Archives: midwestretrogamers
National Video Game Museum Tour
Retro Eric and Retro Mo hit up the National Video Game Museum in Frisco, Texas. For additional videos by the Midwest Retro Gamers: Click Here Join the new Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/ Star Wars fan? Then check out our sister site: http://swnut77.com
Midwest Retro Gamers: Retro Eric’s VLOG Game Room Disaster!
MRG’s Sump Pump Failed! Water was everywhere in the basement near all the games and toys! Did they all survive the flood? Check out Retro Eric’s VLOG Game Room Disaster! Follow us on Twitter! https://twitter.com/eshroba Follow us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/midwestretrogamers/ …
Midwest Retro Gamers: Chicago Comic Con
Retro Eric, Toy Tony, and G-Dub (Cousin Greg) Head off too Chicago Comic Con. Eric is looking for more Thundercats, Tony is looking for Lost Boys figures, and G-Dub…. Well he’s G-Dub. What things will they find or see …
Midwest Retro Gamers: 1000 Subscriber Contest!
Contest ends October 31st. To Enter you must: 1. Be a subscriber. 2. Comment on this video. 1st Winner will get to choose a prize 2nd Winner will get the next prize 3rd Winner gets the last prize. Thank …
Midwest Retro Gamers: We have mail 2!
Retro Eric and Retro Mo get some nice packages from Jason Wells, Gary Voight, and TJ Ortowski. Find out what they sent! Check out Jason’s Facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/JCRetroGames Gary Voight’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/voightg Opening RGS Theme by: https://www.youtube.com/user/FamilyJules7X MRG Theme …
Midwest Retro Gamers: Game Hunting Adventures 4
Retro Mo hits up some Garage Sales and comes across an old system in the box. Retro Eric and Toy Tony hit up the flea markets. Did they find anything good? Check it out! For additional videos by the …
Midwest Retro Gamers: Super Bitcon Panel!
Retro Eric and Retro Mo get to go on stage for there first panel at Super Bitcon. They share the stage with Ryder from ORTPRO and Moderator Patrick Scott Patterson. They all talk about how to break into online …
Retro Eric’s Off Camera Finds Part 2
Check out what Retro Eric has been finding in the cold winter months of the Midwest! If you want to see some of our finds before the video comes out check out our facebook site! https://www.facebook.com/midwestretrogamers Follow us on …
Midwest Retro Gamers: Retropalooza 2014 Part 2
Part 2 of Retro Eric and Retro Mo’s trip down to Texas for the convention Retropalooza 2. See if they find anything good! Special Guest Francis! (Boogie2988) Follow us on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/midwestretro… Twitter: https:https://twitter.com/EShroba Gamester81: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/ 8Bit Evolution: http://8bitevolution.com/ …
Retro Eric’s Off Camera Finds Part 1
Being that Winter has come to the Midwest, the flea markets and garage sales are closed. Retro Eric however is still hunting for games and has been finding them off camera at Goodwill and Thrift stores. Find out what …
Midwest Retro Gamers: Retropalooza 2014 Part 1
Retropalooza 2014 is here! An event that Retro Eric and Retro Mo look forward too every year. They are meeting up with Ryder from OrtPro Gaming and they are going to do some game hunting! See what they find! …
Midwest Retro Gamers: Video Game Summit 2014
Retro Eric and Retro Mo take a trip to a convention in there own backyard. They meet up with fellow YouTuber Gary Voight. See if they find any gems!! Check out Gary’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/voightg For additional videos by the Midwest …
Midwest Retro Gamers: Game Hunting Adventures 3
Retro Eric and Retro Mo find some rare items Saturday Garage Sailing. Plus they take a trip up to Michigan flea market and catch what a reseller should not be doing. For additional videos by the Midwest Retro Gamers: Click …
Midwest Retro Gamers: Game Hunting Adventures 2
Retro Mo is on vacation. but that doesn’t stop Retro Eric and Toy Tony from going game and toy hunting! See what they find!
Midwest Retro Gamers: We have mail! EP1
Retro Eric and Retro Mo get some mail from some awesome people! Find out what they got!
Midwest Retro Gamers: Game Hunting Adventures 1
Retro Eric and Retro Mo start off the Garage Sale and Flea Market season with a bang. Join them as they make a surprise system discovery and other great games.
Midwest Retro Gamers: Midwest Gaming Classic Part 2
Part 2 of the adventures to the Midwest Gaming classic with Retro Eric and Retro Mo!
Midwest Retro Gamers: Midwest Gaming Classic Part 1
Retro Mo and Retro Eric take a trip up to Wisconsin to check out the Midwest Gaming Classic!
