Mike invites a long time friend over to celebrate his game’s anniversary. Will 30 year old cereal, shameless self promotion and an introspective retrospective get in the way? Find out as we rewind the clock back to not only chat with some of Rareware’s developers on the creation of Donkey Kong Country, but also its personal impact via the marketing strategies. It’s time to celebrate Donkey Kong Country’s 30th anniversary on Dude, You Haven’t Played This Game?!
A million thank yous to Kevin Bayliss and Steve Mayles for their interview, as well as the revisit to the XVGM Radio interview of David Wise!
You can find all three on their social medias: Kevin – Twitter: https://x.com/Kev_Bayliss BlueSky: https://bsky.app/profile/kevbayliss.b… Steve – Twitter: https://x.com/WinkySteve BlueSky: https://bsky.app/profile/winkysteve.b… David – Twitter: https://x.com/David_Wise BlueSky: https://bsky.app/profile/davidwise.bs… Link to the XVGM Radio episode is on Youtube (check the card during that part for more info) or head to our website: https://xvgmradio.com/episode-51-yook… Thanks to Russ Lyman and Tim Leininger for voicing the interviews for Kevin Bayliss and Steve Mayles! Links below for their channels: Russ: / russlyman Tim:
/ @onemansopinion8135 BIG, banana thanks to Kevin Bhall for his animation intro! Check out his work here:
/ bloopledebleep1 Thanks to Lame Genie for their awesome rendition of “Aquatic Ambiance” Link to their bandcamp here: https://lamegenie.bandcamp.com/ Youtube:
/ @lamegenie Thanks as always to Dexter Morrill (title card art,) Paul Hallaway for his intro effects and Matt Creamer (Norrin Radd) for his intro music! Check out his stuff here: raddlandstudios.com |
/ raddland |
/ @raddland
Thanks to Logan Magno for capturing footage of his SNES demo kiosk! Thanks as always to ALL Patreon members, but especially the Mourning Star Whip Tier and up! They are: Venthros, Scott Mcelhone, Derek Demiter, Brice, Sam Shafer, GWN Presents and Trevin Adams! Join here if you’d like to support the channel and the making of videos like these: www.patreon.com/dongled Join the Discord for free (21 and up please) to chat about DKC memories or anything else under the sun! Great, active bunch of people in there with tons of sub channels! Join today: / discord