Dude, You Haven’t Played This Game?! Woody Woodpecker Racing Game Boy Color Review


Mike makes a late night call to MaxImpact24 (Will) to tell him about Woody Woodpecker Racing. The end result has the two teaming up to take a look at the 20 year anniversary of the game. These types of licensed games always get a bad rap…Is the game living life in the fast lane? Or is it needing a pit stop? Tune in to see Mike and Will review this relatively unknown game!

Big thank you to MaxImpact24 for joining me on this review! We had a lot of fun putting it together. Please consider checking out Will’s channel for tons of awesomely fun list videos, entertaining reviews (love his handheld spotlights!) and of course, Wilhelm Screams!
Will’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/maximpact24

Thanks as always to Paul Hallaway for his intro effects, and a special thanks to Matt Creamer (Norrin Radd, composer of Shakedown Hawaii, Retro City Rampage, Slayin’ 2, Venture Kid) for his amazing intro music! Check out his Twitch and Youtube!
Matt’s stuff: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/NorrinRa…
Twitch: https://m.twitch.tv/norrinradd22/profile​

HUGE thank you to all Patrons, but especiallythe Mourning Star Whip Tier and higher. They are: Trevin Adams, Brice, Derek Demiter, Chris Burke, Nintenjoe, Scott McElhone and The Autistic Gamer 89. Patreon continues to help grow the channel and the money put into it by generous fans helps create bigger, better reviews. Consider becoming a member, it’s totally optional and there are some neat rewards: www.patreon.com/dongled

About miketendo

Check out more videos from Miketendo at http://www.youtube.com/dongled
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