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Author Topic: I need you guys to give me advice on my upcoming youtube channel
Posts: 4
Post I need you guys to give me advice on my upcoming youtube channel
on: September 10, 2015, 19:28

I'll be converting my youtube channel into a gaming channel soon, I already have over 1000 subscribers from my Spore days, for the past month or so I've been recording gameplay footage of games old and new, whatever I feel like playing. I invested in a pretty expensive 150 euro Mic, borrowed a capture card from a friend to record a few Wii U and PS3 games and I believe I'm more or less ready to start editing and putting the videos together.

atm I can't review N64 games since my friend couldn't find the cable for that and it's going to be a while before I order a capture card of my own since that's pretty danr complicated to obtain here apparently.

This is the aesthetic I'm shooting for, and that's about the best quality I can do while keeping the filesize small enough for my slow upload:

of course I won't be overproducing the videos and generally they'll be having just regular normal but properly edited gameplay footage shown
here's an example of the quality gameplay footage will be:

My biggest issue right now is deciding what I should do about reviewing retro games I used to have as a kid but don't anymore, I had a MASSIVE collection of games which around 2006 got lost 🙁

Do I review only games I own at the moment, or review whatever ROM I feel like?
For anything up to the N64 I use emulators to record footage since I love the oldschool TV like filters they provide AND it's easier for me.

Option 1. Reviewing only games I own:

+ I can show the cartridge on Camera
+ Show that I actually own a more rare game if I do
+ It's "legal" I personally don't give a shit but maybe if I partner up with a gaming youtube company like Curse they will care
+ IF and it's a big IF I get popular enough I might have games donated to me like people donate to Classic Game Room.

- If I get games donated to me to MACEDONIA I'll be paying through my nose in customs taxes, since they make us pay even for items labeled as gift, furthermore if too much stuff arrives I WILL get banned/blacklisted from the post offices as a reseller
- I'm limited to only games I currently own, I can't review games I used to have as a kid which is a HUGE problem since I can't review any of the following unless I luck out or pay ungodly amounts of money:
- Ducktales 2
- Flintstones Surprise at Dinosaur Peak
- Panic Restaurant
- Wacky Races NES

or I'd have to buy and pay more for shipping than the actual game for the following games I used to own too:
- Vectorman 1 and 2
- Ecco 1 (finally got II again)
- DKC3 - I can't find mine, i had it boxed can't find it
- Ardy Lightfoot
- Bugs Bunny for SNES really nice game
- a ton of games that escape me atm but i used to own

- In the PS1 days and Dreamcast days obtaining original games for PS1 and DC was next to impossible here in Macedonia, but pirated copies were easily affordable and widely available! I wanted originals at the time but I could not get any for these two systems. N64 was the only system at the time for which originals could easily be found, tough they were expensive as sin.

- I have a bunch of games on bootleg carts for SNES and Genesis, cartridges I paid for big money growing up but were bootleg because we didn't know better, tho since I paid and bought these legally I WILL review them, tough, I lived in a different part of the world, had no idea i was buying bootlegs at the time and they cost the same as originals.

Option 2. Reviewing ROMs I own and used to own or have played for fun

+ I can review many games I actually had and loved(or didn't like) growing up
+ I can review all the PS1 and Dreamcast games I played and loved or disliked
+ I'm not limited to my current collection which may or may not grow depending on luck
+ I can review games I love and enjoy for systems I don't own, like Turbografx16 or Arcade games from MAME/Final Burn

- Might not be able to partner up and make money with any of those gaming companies that offer partnership
- I won't be able to have nice showings of the cartridges or discs I own, show some nice rare stuff and so on
- People won't be donating games to me IF I get popular enough for this to happen
Option 3. Review both stuff I own and stuff I don't own

- all of the above

- People will notice i sometimes review ROMs and sometimes legit games, it might be a problem, same cons as Option 2

Another concern I have is filming myself, I want to show myself on Camera but I don't have a good, high quality camera to do this, all I have is some dash camera for cars and some fairly old Sony camera that I believe can do 720p. There's no way i'm investing in an expensive camera any time soon either.
Would it be better if I film myself anyways with whichever one of these cameras provides better quality or not show myself at all? I believe my videos would be much warmer and personal if I show myself on camera for at least a few seconds before I start showing gameplay footage.

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