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Author Topic: Your first system?
Posts: 19
Post Your first system?
on: November 29, 2012, 00:44

What was the first game system you played and owned growing up? What was your first memories playing it?

My first system was the Super Nintendo. I loved that thing to death and still have and play the same console. My first memory of the SNES was playing Donkey Kong Country 3 with my brother for hours. Granted I wasn't very good at the time but I didn't care. That and playing Primal Rage which is still one of my favorite fighters today, I mean who doesn't want to see two dinosaurs beat each other up? A close second though in console was the gameboy pocket which I got for Christmas.

Buried On-
Posts: 98
Post Re: Your first system?
on: November 29, 2012, 09:05

My first system was the Commodore Vic 20. It was the computer that pre-dated the Commodore 64. My parents didn't believe in video games consoles and believed computers were a much better investment. My fondest memory of is was my whole family gathering around the TV to play a game called Mole Attack. It was like the "Whack-a-mole" game you'd play at a carnival. You had to hit the Moles on the head when they popped up but sometimes they come up backwards and you could hit them on their bums. The Vic 20 would make this fart sound that had us cracking up.

So I didn't own a console until I bought a SNES for $30 when I was in college. The SNES was way past it prime, the PlayStation and N64 were already battling it out, but all those games were new to me. Super Metroid, Super Mario World, A Link to the Past. Good times.

Check out my disastrously clever youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/BuriedOnMars/

Posts: 22
Post Re: Your first system?
on: November 29, 2012, 09:29

It was a wood-paneled 2600 I bought off someone for a couple bucks after the NES had already come out.

Posts: 74
Post Re: Your first system?
on: November 29, 2012, 15:24

NES packed with SMB/Duck Hunt.

Posts: 91
Post Re: Your first system?
on: November 29, 2012, 19:37

My first console I owned as a child was the Sega Master System, which was almost immediately replaced by the Mega Drive. When I moved to the US, my first console was the Saturn, which I still have to this day. Lots of great memories, and yep, I was a Sega fanboy as a kid :D.

Posts: 15
Post Re: Your first system?
on: November 29, 2012, 23:01

atari 2600 back in 1979, I grew up with that atari 😀


Posts: 80
Post Re: Your first system?
on: November 30, 2012, 02:10

My older sister's Atari 2600. It never did keep my attention for too long, though.

When I was 7 years old, we upgraded to the NES. My mom and grandpa went in halves on it for our Christmas present after I begged and begged for it. Greatest kid's toy gift I ever received! NES was the system I really fell in love with gaming on. My first games with the system were Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt (pack-in game), Star Solider, The Legend of Zelda, Pin-Bot, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Posts: 111
Post Re: Your first system?
on: November 30, 2012, 08:28

This is a bit of a complicated question for me. I guess it's the playstation but we had many family consoles before then, like the Atari 2600, NES, SNES and Sega genesis but they belonged to the whole family, not just me. However, the playstation wasn't just mine either, I shared it with my sister so I guess the first console that was entirely my own was the playstation 2. The console that has the fondest memories for me is the playstation 1 though. My earliest gaming memories are pretty foggy, my mom says I've been playing games since I was 1 but you can hardly call that playing I guess. She said I did make the connection that the controller and the buttons I pressed on it affected what was happening on the tv so I loved to play around with the controller and figure out what it did and as I got older, this transferred into a love for the actual games. The earliest gaming memory I have is vague and foggy, I don't even know what console it was on or what game I was playing. I'm pretty sure it was a platformer and at the end of the level there was this water dragon/serpent boss that I could never beat. In the fight you're at the edge of a cliff and the water dragon keeps coming in and out of the water. I've tried to figure out what console it was on by the graphics that I remember but it's proven to not be very helpful, especially since my imagination seems to have embellished the graphics of many of the games I remember from childhood.

Posts: 53
Post Re: Your first system?
on: November 30, 2012, 12:10

Mine was the NES. Back in 1999. XD I'm always far behind with consoles. The newest console I have is an Xbox 360 Arcade, which i got in 2008. A few months before the huge price reduction. :/


Posts: 40
Post Re: Your first system?
on: November 30, 2012, 21:01

Atari 7800. It was a great system since it could also play the 2600 games. Given that there were many 2600 games already floating around the second hand stores, I built up quite a collection.

My Consoles: PS3, PS2 slim, PS2 slim (JPN), PSOne, Xbox 360 slim, Xbox, Dreamcast, Saturn, Genesis 2 & 3, Game Gear, Wii U, Wii, GameCube, Game Boy, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Advance SP, 3DS-XL, SNES 2, 3DO, CD-i, Neo Geo CD (JPN), Neo Geo Pocket (JPN)
My Arcades: Hard Drivin', Nintendo Playchoice 10, Nintendo Red Tent, Batman (1990), Neo Geo MVS (2-slot)

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