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Author Topic: Batman: The Brave and The Bold - Rescued From The Bin
Buried On-
Posts: 98
Post Batman: The Brave and The Bold - Rescued From The Bin
on: February 1, 2013, 11:04

Batman: The Brave and The Bold is a cool little beat 'em up for the Nintendo Wii. Check out my video below to see if this game might be for you!

So what are some of your awesome bargain bin finds? Let me know below!

Check out my disastrously clever youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/BuriedOnMars/

Posts: 33
Post Re: Batman: The Brave and The Bold - Rescued From The Bin
on: February 1, 2013, 12:19

I also scored this from the bargin bin a while back (payed $10 for it new) and think its a great little game. Picked up Mirrors edge (360) new for the same. Been doing most pick ups from amazon recently, catching up on missed DS games.

Buried On-
Posts: 98
Post Re: Batman: The Brave and The Bold - Rescued From The Bin
on: February 1, 2013, 14:31

Quote from albirhiza on February 1, 2013, 12:19
I also scored this from the bargin bin a while back (payed $10 for it new) and think its a great little game. Picked up Mirrors edge (360) new for the same. Been doing most pick ups from amazon recently, catching up on missed DS games.

Cool! Keep and eye out for Aliens Infestation on the DS. I found it for $10. I live in Canada and unfortunately amazon.ca has a long way to go to catch up to amazon.com.

Check out my disastrously clever youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/BuriedOnMars/

Posts: 33
Post Re: Batman: The Brave and The Bold - Rescued From The Bin
on: February 4, 2013, 14:11

Cool! Keep and eye out for Aliens Infestation on the DS. I found it for $10. I live in Canada and unfortunately amazon.ca has a long way to go to catch up to amazon.com.

Thanks for the tip, although I actually scored that from amazon last year some time in the $10 range. Was super psyched about it, unfortunately, although the game was fun, it didn't live up to my expectations. I was really looking forward to a more in depth game with RPG elements similar to the Castlevania games.
Forgot to mention. Great show and review. Keep it up.

Buried On-
Posts: 98
Post Re: Batman: The Brave and The Bold - Rescued From The Bin
on: February 6, 2013, 20:44

Thanks! Yeah, Aliens is definitely more Metroid style in tone and atmosphere than an RPG. I'm a huge Metroid fan so I guess that's why I enjoyed it so much.

Check out my disastrously clever youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/BuriedOnMars/

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