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Author Topic: RC Planes
Posts: 5
Post RC Planes
on: March 7, 2013, 02:50

Today`s Radio Controlled Planes are not the same remote control car toys we played with as a child. Today R/C vehicles can be extremely powerful and come anywhere from built and ready to race to completely unassembled. Depending on what you are looking for the prices range from $50 for a starter plane to over $500 for a powerful and fast plane.

Below is a terrific introductory article where you can learn the basics and how to get started. You can help grow our learning community by contributing your knowledge to the article. Just click on the edit tab in the wiki article below.

Use the white subtabs above to navigate the other R/C Plane resources. We have a R/C Plane forum where you can get your questions & doubts answered, a page with rc planes how-to videos, a page with the best handpicked links to other sites, and a page with the best R/C Plane books and products.

Good Luck and Have Fun!
Duncan Davis

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