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Author Topic: Building a Remote Control Airplane Tug... Any ideas?
Posts: 5
Post Building a Remote Control Airplane Tug... Any ideas?
on: March 14, 2013, 23:36

I was about to start building a Airplane Tug for a buddy of mine. He wants to be able to pull the plane in the hanger with a remote control tug. I have I pretty well though out plan already, but any ideas from all the smart minds on here might real help. The plane is around 1600-1800 lbs, I think. I want it to go really slow, of course.

I'm thinking sensored outrunners running on 6s nano-techs (for safety and QC) because it will be brought on the plane with him. So I'll have to make a safe box for the lipo's, to vent towards, in case of any crazy lipo event. It needs to be light as possible with as much torque as possible.

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