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Author Topic: Why we do this
Posts: 61
Post Why we do this
on: July 5, 2014, 02:15

I love doing Videos, I really really do. Some Days being a smaller channel I always feel like I'm Not good enough , or I'm wasting my time. But let me tell you this YOU ARE good enough , and YOUR NOT wasting your time.

Every time I get positive feedback it makes the process all worth it. Every Triumph is met a renewed vigor , and every letdown is met with determination to do better or improve myself. I started this channel almost three years ago with a cell phone camera and a demo Editing software that had a watermark on it lol.

I know its hard to start and keep motivated, But keep at it. We have all gone thru these feelings , its part of the gig so to speak.
Hopefully this can be inspirational to some of you. I know it was to me filming it.

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