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Game Reviews
Our TOP 10 most NOSTALGIC video games with Jimmy from lots of games
Our TOP 10 most NOSTALGIC video games with Jimmy from lots of games. Our TOP 10 most NOSTALGIC video games Jimmy’s channel https://www.youtube.com/user/lotsofgames outro music provided by Banjo Guy Ollie https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5-umfrfqPvDvWCYHJGYtpA MEDIA GLITCH Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter https://twitter.com/joelvallie TUMBLR http://mediaglitchshow.tumblr.com INSTAGRAM …
Can this kid beat the first level of “The Revenge of Shinobi”?
Can this kid beat the first level of “The Revenge of Shinobi”? MEDIA GLITCH Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter https://twitter.com/joelvallie TUMBLR http://mediaglitchshow.tumblr.com INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/jvvallie PERSONAL WEBSITE http://www.joelvalliefilms.com Want to send us mail? Here’s the address JOEL VALLIE PO BOX 65044 Albuquerque, NM …
Tempest Elite! for the Atari XL/XE Computers!
Released July 2017 by Video61 (Atarisales.com), this is a great port of Tempest to the Atari XL/XE/XEGS line of computers. The game was programmed by Peter J. Meyer with cartridge manufacturing done by Lance Ringquist. Tempest Elite is a enhanced …
Bad NES Movie Games That Were Great on the Sega Genesis | MichaelBtheGameGenie
Mike takes a look back at some BAD NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) Movie Games that were actually GREAT on the Sega Genesis on this episode of Video Game Nostalgia. Check me out on: Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/MichaelBtheGameGenie Welcome to my channel. I …
Data East Classic’s MyArcade Pixel Classic Handheld
Recently shown at E3 2017, this little handheld features 308 games! Eight of the games are classics from the Data East library! Data East Games included are: Bad Dudes Break Thru Joe & Mac Heavy Barrel Side Pocket B Wings …
Modern Games that DON’T SUCK!
Some people think modern video games all suck. Well, Kinsey & Metal Jesus are here to tell you: WRONG! Here are some newer games every gamer should check out! GAMES SHOWN: The Witcher 3 – http://amzn.to/2rGMxQn Horizon Zero Dawn – …
Rare Street Fighter II for the Sega Master System review
Here’s a look at the rare port of Street Fighter II for the Sega Master System. More at: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/ Follow me at: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gamester81Fanpage Twitter: https://twitter.com/gamester81 Instagram: http://instagram.com/gamester81 Gamester81 Shirts: https://www.chopshopgoods.com/collections/youtube-partners My other channels: Starwarsnut77: https://www.youtube.com/user/starwarsnut77.com NEStalgiaholic: https://www.youtube.com/user/NEStalgiaholic Gamester81Arcade: https://www.youtube.com/user/gamester81arcade …
Easy Games That I Find Hard | MichaelBtheGameGenie
Mike takes a look back at some easy games that he has always found hard on this episode of video game nostalgia. Games that can be beat in a single sitting like Altered Beast on the Sega Genesis or Speedran …