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Game Reviews
Guardians of the Galaxy NES Game! – Cygnus Destroyer
Subscribe for great justice! ► http://bit.ly/LJNDefender The Guardians of the Galaxy are about to return to theaters nationwide and the new Telltale game was just released, but did you know that there is an NES game based on Star-Lord, …
GAH!! Games that Made Us RAGE QUIT!!
Some games are programmed by the Devil and are so tough, so evil…so rage inducing… that make us wanna break our controller! For additional posts by MetalJesusRocks: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum Star Wars fan? Then check out our …
Atari 2600 Space invaders remake for the PC!
Released in April 2017, this was a project done by Richard Langford of Langfordproductions.com. He challenged himself to remake the classic 2600 space invaders on the PC in just one day. He accomplished this goal and then decided to add …
Mega Man Fan Games 2 “Infinity” & Beyond! – Cygnus Destroyer
Subscribe for great justice! ► http://bit.ly/LJNDefender Mega Man fan games…there are a TON of them. In fact, there might be more community produced content based on the Blue Bomber at this point than official Capcom releases. I covered this topic …
Skitchin’ – Sega Genesis – Game Night- KWKBOX
Eric picks an exclusive Sega Genesis games that he has fond memories of. Will Kevin enjoy it? Game: Skitchin’ Platform: Sega Genesis Year: 1993 Click to Subscribe ► http://www.youtube.com/user/kwkbox?sub_confirmation=1 Visit our website ► http://www.kwkbox.com Support us on Patreon ► http://www.patreon.com/kwkbox …
Batman – PC Engine – KWKview – KWKBOX
Kevin reviews Batman for the PC Engine. Game: Batman Platform: PC Engine Year: 1990 Click to Subscribe ► http://www.youtube.com/user/kwkbox?su… Visit our website ► http://www.kwkbox.com Support us on Patreon ► http://www.patreon.com/kwkbox Follow us on Twitter ► https://twitter.com/KWKBOX Follow us on Google+ …
Let’s Play Spectral vs Generations (PSP Fighting Game) w/ Reggie!
Reggie plays the 2D beat-em-up hidden gem featuring characters from the cult Japanese Spectral Force and Generation of Chaos series. The game has unique characters, extra secret fighters and one of the most powerful bosses in 2D beat-em-up history! …
Action 52 (Sega Genesis) – INNOCENT Until Proven Guilty!
Subscribe for great justice! ► http://bit.ly/LJNDefender Action 52 is famous for being one of the worst NES games ever made, but its 16 bit sibling has received far less recognition. Active Enterprises released the Sega Genesis version of their notorious …