I take a look at some Games Better on Super Nintendo Than on Sega Genesis? What games do you think were better on the Super Nintendo than on the Sega Genesis, find out if I included them.
Welcome to my channel. I have been playing and collecting games since 1987 and I use this channel to share my passion and memories of gaming. I review games that I believe are under appreciated or wrongfully dismissed on Game Genie Reviews. Video Game Nostalgia is a fun series where I take a look at a topic from my gaming past and share games that come to mind from it. I also do Top 10 lists, of course I do…what else is on youtube right? Well I like to think I put my own spin on them because they are based on my life in gaming. Hope you enjoy the channel and always looking forward to hearing from you.
All music and video used are the property of their respective owners.
About MichaelBtheGameGenie
Michael Burry “MichaelBtheGameGenie” has been playing and collecting video games for over 24 years. Michael first realized his passion for gaming when he received his first system (the Nintendo Entertainment System) and Super Mario Bros. 2 for his 8th birthday; a gift which he has kept to this day. This would be the continuing trend for Michael as every system and game he received as a gift or purchased from that point on has been preserved in his collection. Michael has over 1,000 games in his collection including close to 400 games for his beloved NES and over 27 different systems; most of which are still complete in box. On April 2012 Michael joined the YouTube gaming community through his channel MichaelBtheGameGenie, where he looks at collecting games, reliving video game related nostalgic moments and doing reviews on some of his favorite games throughout his 24 year passion of everything video game related.
Outside of video games, Mike is also an avid movie fan with a special love of cheesy 80′s horror movies. He collects cartoon Series on DVD from the 80′s and 90′s as well as Toys from some of these great shows. He is a big sports fan who has a NHL hockey jersey collection of over 30 players, and last but not least he is a lifelong Professional Wrestling fan who actually performed on the Canadian Independent Circuit from 2000 to 2009 as the Paragon of Virtue Mike Burry.
Favorite Systems: NES, SNES, Turbo Grafx 16, Sega Genesis
Favorite Games: The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past (SNES), Mega Man 2 (NES), Sonic CD (Sega CD), Final Fantasy 7 (PSX), Starfox 64 (N64), Ducktales (NES), Castlevania (NES)
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