LTO Flash Multicart for the Intellivision!


Released by Left Turn Only in late 2016, this new flash multicart is incredible!  When you order the cartridge you get a nice gatefold full color box, a color manual and a USB interface cable.   the software needed to put roms on the cartridge can be downloaded Left Turn Only’s website –

Everything about this cartridge is high quality.  I particularly like the clear orange case the cart comes in that shows the Left Turn Only logo on the circuit board.  The software is easy to use and provides lots of flexibility in how you organize your roms and manage them.

Once you download the software and install it, you simply plug the flash cart in and the software will automatically search for it.  Once connected you can start adding roms to build you own custom menu, even with directories to sort roms and color coding!  I loaded a significant amount of roms on the cart and only used 15% of the available space!  You also have the ability to load and run roms live on the flashcart when plugged into your intellivsion and computer at the same time.

Overall, this cartridge was well worth the wait.  I highly recommend it to any Intellivision enthusiast!


  • Ease of use
  • Color coding of roms or directories
  • Build your own interface menu to select games
  • Ability to back up your custom menu creations and roms
  • Auto search feature for roms on your system
  • Rom info editing
  • Lots of storage space!


  • None! its awesome!

Overall this cartridge was one of the best purchases I have made in some time, If you have been wanting a multicart for you Intellivision system and missed out on the earlier ones, then this is the one I would recommend!

Rating (5 out of 5 MiniCades)  Yes, its that good!

5 out of 5

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