Max $terling is a Rapper/Producer, Indie Film Director, and Video Game Addict. His addiction began in the early 80’s by playing games like “Space Assault (a modified version of “Space Invader”)” on the TRS-80 Color Computer 2 (his first gaming system), and “Pitfall” on the Atari 2600.
In 2006, Max discovered Youtube and started his first channel (maxsterling619) posting his student films and movie mash-ups; in 2008, he watched some episodes of the Irate Gamer Show and became inspired to produce his own show “The Ghetto Gamers” with his friends David and Philip. The Ghetto Gamers show gained positive feedback from the youtube gaming community as well as respect from some of youtube’s finest such as Gamester81, Retrogamer3, and Happyconsolegamer (to name a few).
Unfortunately The Ghetto Gamers disbanded in 2009 due to creative differences, causing Max start his own gaming channel “Controller Throwers”, a show that got the attention of Gotgame.com where he currently posts reviews for new games. Now Max has joined Gamester81.com bringing his own unique flair to retrogaming reviewing.
Favorite games: Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!, Contra, Goldeneye 007, Resident Evil 2, Marvel VS Capcom 2, Shinobi 3
Favorite Consoles: DREAMCAST, Saturn, Xbox (with XBMC installed), SegaCD, NES
About Gamester81
John "Gamester81" Lester started playing video games at a very young age. His first ever console that he played was a Colecovision, quickly followed by an Atari 2600, and his passion for video games hasn't stopped. In 2008 John decided to start a video game review show on YouTube called Gamester81 by reviewing rare and retro video game systems and games. His show quickly grew in popularity, and he became friends with many other gamers in the YouTube community.
He is also one of the hosts of the All Gen Gamers Podcast which is a bimonthly podcast for people and video games of all generations.
Some of John's other hobbies includes collecting Star Wars memorabilia (YouTube channel Starwarsnut77), playing classic arcade games (YouTube channel Gamester81Arcade), watching sports, and listening to music. John is a big fan of the 80's and 90's and in 2009 started a YouTube channel called NEStalgiaholic where he talks about nostalgic items and memories from his childhood.
To see some of John's video's in 3D visit his YouTube channel Gamester81in3D.
Favorite Systems: Colecovision, Commodore 64, NES, & SNES.
Favorite Games: Donkey Kong Arcade, Atari Star Wars Arcade, Super Mario 3, Final Fantasy II, & Goldeneye 007