Nerdist Video Game Book Winner – Kombo Breaker

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About Kombo Breaker:
During the 90’s competitive gaming was done in local arcades by teenagers. One teenager decided to start a crew of expert fighting game players, who hustled many other arcade gamers out of money by beating them mercilessly on games like Street Fighter 2 and Mortal Kombat.

The gaming crew would take their winnings to throw parties, complete with drugs and alcohol in order to gain popularity among their peers.

Kombo Breaker follow the hip hop culture of the mid 90’s as well as the pressures and consequences of seeking peer acceptance.
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About Maxsterling619

Max $terling is a Rapper/Producer, Indie Film Director, and Video Game Addict. His addiction began in the early 80′s by playing games like “Space Assault (a modified version of “Space Invader”)” on the TRS-80 Color Computer 2 (his first gaming system), and “Pitfall” on the Atari 2600. In 2006, Max discovered Youtube and started his first channel (maxsterling619) posting his student films and movie mash-ups; in 2008, he watched some episodes of the Irate Gamer Show and became inspired to produce his own show “The Ghetto Gamers” with his friends David and Philip. The Ghetto Gamers show gained positive feedback from the youtube gaming community as well as respect from some of youtube’s finest such as Gamester81, Retrogamer3, and Happyconsolegamer (to name a few). Unfortunately The Ghetto Gamers disbanded in 2009 due to creative differences, causing Max start his own gaming channel “Controller Throwers”, a show that got the attention of where he currently posts reviews for new games. Now Max has joined bringing his own unique flair to retrogaming reviewing. Favorite games: Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!, Contra, Goldeneye 007, Resident Evil 2, Marvel VS Capcom 2, Shinobi 3 Favorite Consoles: DREAMCAST, Saturn, Xbox (with XBMC installed), SegaCD, NES