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Atari announces a new console! The Ataribox. Info & my thoughts – Gamester81
Atari recently announced a new console called the Ataribox. Here are my thoughts and some info about the system so far. More at: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/ Follow me at: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gamester81Fa… Twitter: https://twitter.com/gamester81 Instagram: http://instagram.com/gamester81 Gamester81 Shirts: https://www.chopshopgoods.com/collect… My other channels: Starwarsnut77: https://www.youtube.com/user/starwars… NEStalgiaholic: https://www.youtube.com/user/NEStalgi… Gamester81Arcade: https://www.youtube.com/user/gamester… More at: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/ Follow …
YO ADRIAN! Cheap Cheap Video Game Finds!
Didn’t spend big $$$ at the garage sales this weekend, but got some quality games! FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/bizznes17 TWITTER: https://twitter.com/bizznes17 For more from bizzNES17: Click here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum
Dragonball Evolution – INNOCENT Until Proven Guilty!
Subscribe for great justice! ► http://bit.ly/LJNDefender Dragonball Evolution is the live action adaptation of Akira Toriyama’s quintessential Dragon Ball anime & manga…and it’s harder to sit through than all of the Dragon Ball Z filler combined, but is it beyond …
Forget VR! MIXED REALITY Gaming is the Future & I HAVE IT!
Microsoft’s HOLOLENS is a $3,000 mixed reality technical marvel…and I got the opportunity to play all the games on it! Games Shown: RoboRaid Fragments Young Conker Actiongram Galaxy Explorer HoloTube For additional posts by MetalJesusRocks: Click Here Join the Gamester81 …
Sega Genesis, Sega CD, and Sega 32X haul! FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/bizznes17 TWITTER: https://twitter.com/bizznes17 For more from bizzNES17: Click here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum
Happy Birthday Jimmy from lotsofgames
Happy Birthday Jimmy from lotsofgames MEDIA GLITCH Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter https://twitter.com/joelvallie TUMBLR http://mediaglitchshow.tumblr.com INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/jvvallie PERSONAL WEBSITE http://www.joelvalliefilms.com Want to send us mail? Here’s the address JOEL VALLIE PO BOX 65044 Albuquerque, NM 87193 #epic #videogamepickups #retro #vintage #mediaglitch #joelvallie …
Nintendo VHS Promo Restoration! Hot Newz 64 – Nsiders Guide to N64 – H4G
Hot Tipz! Cool Cheatz! Sneak Peekz! Hard4Games re-captures and discusses Nintendo’s 1999 VHS promotional video. JOIN US ►► Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Hard4GamesEntertainment Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/h4g Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/hard4games Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hard_4_games/ T-Shirts and MERCH: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/Hard4Games/ For additional posts by Hard4Games: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum …
INSANE FIND: 600 Big Box PC Games for $75!! Games from 80s, 90s & 2000s
Metal Jesus & Kinsey travel across vast oceans to pickup 600+ big box PC games from the 80s, 90s, 2000s! So many great games! For additional posts by MetalJesusRocks: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum Star Wars fan? Then check out …