Nintendo Power Volume #1

Nintendo Power Volume #1

Published: July/August 1988

Cost: $3.50


Super Mario 2 (6-25):  Nintendo Power Volume #1 features a twenty page overview on Super Mario 2.  It highlights the different enemies in the game, but only covers Worlds 1 to 2-3.

 “Zelda-Second Quest” (26-37):  That’s right “Zelda II: The Adventure of Link” at this point was still called “Zelda-Second Quest”.  It features a twelve page guide through levels 1-9 highlighting secret places, and showing tips on how to play the game.

Baseball Round-Up (41-49):  This section showcases three different baseball games including R.B.I. Baseball, Bases Loaded, and Major League Baseball.  The poster included in this magazine is also included in this section



Counselors’ Corner (50-54):  This section is where Nintendo answers letters on how to pass areas on certain games.  The games included in this volume’s Counselors’ Corner are: Ghosts ‘N Goblins, Ring King, Metroid, Super Mario Bros, Kid Icarus, Rygar, Castlevania, Ikari Warriors, and Mike Tyson’s PUNCH-OUT!!.

 Howard & Nester Comic (55):  In this very first  Howard & Nester cartoon strip, Howard introduces himself as the “President of The Nintendo Fun Club”, and Nester as “his good friend”.  They talk about using the Zelda guide in the magazine to help get through Level 9 in the game.

Classified Information (56-61):  In this section Nintendo gives away special secrets to some classic Nintendo games. The games mentioned in Volume #1 include: Ice Hockey, Rad Racer, Athena Contra (first time I every read about the Konami code), Heavy Hitting Hardware, Mike Tyson’s PUNCH-OUT!!, Arkaniod, Ring King, Ningja Kid, Zanac,

 More Features

Double Dragon (63-69: Features the NES port of Double Dragon, and highlights Missions 1-4.

 Gauntlet (70-73): This is a small section that highlights Gauntlet.  It only goes over Rooms 1-3, and is a bit vague in explaining how to pass each room.

Contra (74-77): Similar to the Gauntlet feature, this is a short article going over Zones 1-3.

 NES Game Shows (78-79):  These two pages highlights both Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy, in which Howard and Nester are the featured contestants.

 Video Shorts (80-85): The Video Shorts section features every single recently released NES game, or games that are coming out by the time the next Nintendo Power hit stands. Featured games include: Legendary Wings, Iron Tank, Gun.Smoke, Rambo, Dragon Power, Metal Gear, Bionic Commando, City Connection, Victory Road, Star Force, and Freedom Force.

Pak Watch (86-87): Has the list of upcoming games with a paragraph briefly explaining each game.  Games mentioned: Indiana Jones and the Temple Of Doom, Chesterfield, Terra Cresta, Golgo 13, 1943, Zelda II, Jackal, Blaster Master, Empire City 1931, Simon’s Quest, World Games, Lee Trevino’s FIghting Golf, Platoon, Life FOrce, Robocop, Xenophobe, Marble Madness, California Games,

NES Journal (92-95): Features pop culture news during July and August 1988.

  •  News includes the hype in Japan for the release of Dragon Quest III.
  • A popular arcade during this time was Vindicators.
  • Konami awards Top Gun player Devin “Devil” White from Minneapolis, MN who took home $5,000 for getting first place in their Top Gun contest.
  • Popular movies during this time include Pee-Wee’s Big Top, Eight Men Out, and Willow.
  • The “Celebrity Profile” page interviews both Kirk and Candace Cameron.  Kirk was a star in Growing Pains, and his kid sister Candace was in Full House.

Mail Box (96-97): Letters written to Nintendo.  Here is an example of one letter:


Dear Nintendo,

Our Grandson, chad McElroy (7 yrs.), received a Nintendo System and games from Santa this year.  They were visiting our farm and therefore  we got a good preview of this game.   He decided to leave his NES at the farm for the time being and so each Friday he and I have been playing.  We have played Super Mario Bros., 1942, Commando, and Kung fu…

But-while Chad is home, I am left with the NES.   I have been practicing and I think that he will be suprised that I am getting very close to at least seeing the hostages before I bite the dust in Commando.

Chad Decided to take the NES home so that he and his friends could play.   I told my husband that we must get another system for Chad when he comes to the farm on Fridays.  After searching the Dallas area, I finally found one.   I have it installed and now we have one at the farm and one in the City.

This story must be somewhat boring to you, but considering that Chad is 7 and I am 55, it shows your market potential.

June Mayfield

Dallas, TX”

 NES Achievers (98-99):  This section is a score board of high scores.

 Top 30 NES Games for July/August 1988 (102-103):

  1. The Legend of Zelda
  2. Mike Tyson’s PUNCH-OUT!!
  3. Metroid
  4. Super Mario Bros.
  5. Kid Icarus
  6. R.C. Pro-am
  7. Ice Hockey
  8. Rad Racer
  9. Top Gun
  10. Double Dribble
  11. Pro Wrestling
  12. Castelvania
  13. Goonies II
  14. Kung Fu
  15. Wizards & Warriors
  16. Rush’ N Attack
  17. Mega Man
  18. Excitebike
  19. Ikari Warriors
  20. Spy Hunter
  21. Baseball
  22. Contra
  23. Ghosts ‘N Goblins
  24. Side Picket
  25. Mario Bros.
  26. Renegade
  27. Section Z
  28. Gradius
  29. Ring King
  30. Rygar

Fun Facts

  • The cover of Nintendo Volume #1 shows Mario holding a carrot and running away from Wart (Super Mario 2 final boss). Mario is wearing a blue suit which he never wears in the game.
  • Super Mario 2 wasn’t initially a Super Mario game but rather another game released in Japan for the Famicom called Doki Doki Panic.  Nintendo decided to change the characters to Mario characters and brand it as a Mario title.
  • The baseball poster randomly features a Batman spotlight.
  • Nintendo Power initially came out once every two months.


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About Gamester81

John "Gamester81" Lester started playing video games at a very young age. His first ever console that he played was a Colecovision, quickly followed by an Atari 2600, and his passion for video games hasn't stopped. In 2008 John decided to start a video game review show on YouTube called Gamester81 by reviewing rare and retro video game systems and games. His show quickly grew in popularity, and he became friends with many other gamers in the YouTube community. He is also one of the hosts of the All Gen Gamers Podcast which is a bimonthly podcast for people and video games of all generations. Some of John's other hobbies includes collecting Star Wars memorabilia (YouTube channel Starwarsnut77), playing classic arcade games (YouTube channel Gamester81Arcade), watching sports, and listening to music. John is a big fan of the 80's and 90's and in 2009 started a YouTube channel called NEStalgiaholic where he talks about nostalgic items and memories from his childhood. To see some of John's video's in 3D visit his YouTube channel Gamester81in3D. Favorite Systems: Colecovision, Commodore 64, NES, & SNES. Favorite Games: Donkey Kong Arcade, Atari Star Wars Arcade, Super Mario 3, Final Fantasy II, & Goldeneye 007
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