Pier Solar Released / Xbox One


Pier Solar Released / Xbox One
Pier Solar HD is available today on Xbox One!
Translated in 6 Languages
Pier Solar HD is translated in 6 languages:
– English
– French
– German
– Spanish
– Japanese
– Portugese-Brazil
Pier Solar History

In December 2012, WaterMelon ran a Kickstarter that successfully raised over $230,000 in 30 days.

Pier Solar HD “is a love letter to the rich, imaginiative 16-bit RPGs of a bygone era.” It was originally designed and developed for the SEGA Mega Drive & SEGA Genesis. Yes, you read that right!! It was actually the only freshly developed of its kind in the new millennium.
Today, Pier Solar HD is available on Xbox One, PS4, PS3, Wii U, STEAM and OUYA.
Xbox One Trailer

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