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Living in 8 Bits
Living in 8 Bits is the product of Mixed Nuts Productions, a group of South Jersey Filmmakers. The series takes the logic of nostalgic retro video games and applies it to real life through sketch comedy. The group has been together …
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Retro Gaming, hosted by John Pio focuses on forgotten and not so forgotten classic Arcade games of yesterday. Each episode gives you an insightful review of the game as well as commentary, game history and a little humor thrown in. …
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Max $terling
Max $terling is a Rapper/Producer, Indie Film Director, and Video Game Addict. His addiction began in the early 80’s by playing games like “Space Assault (a modified version of “Space Invader”)” on the TRS-80 Color Computer 2 (his first …
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Terror from the Man-Cave! It’s another reviewer and lover of retro games! Will Cartier has been a rabid fan of everything Nintendo for almost 30 years! He does various videos stemming from pick-ups, let’s plays, as well as Top …
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Media Glitch
Joel Vallie is a film director, and the host of the show, Media Glitch. Media Glitch airs on TV in the state of New Mexico and on YouTube. He has been playing video games sense he was knee high …
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Metal Jesus Rocks
View all posts by MetalJesusRocks → The Metal Jesus is a long-haired rocker dude who used to work in the video game industry back in the 90′s at Sierra On-Line (publisher of PC classics like Quest for Glory, King’s Quest, Leisure …
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Michael Burry “MichaelBtheGameGenie” has been playing and collecting video games for over 24 years. Michael first realized his passion for gaming when he received his first system (the Nintendo Entertainment System) and Super Mario Bros. 2 for his 8th birthday; …
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Midwest Retro Gamers
Retro Eric and Retro Mo met each other in 2006, but they have been gamers all of their lives. Eric started gaming when he received his first NES system at the age of 6 years old. He loved that …
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