A very odd USB Gamepad I found at a thrift store.
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About TigerClawTV
Alex started TigerClawTV in 2008 under the name “Critical Failure”. His web series was originally hosted by a crude cartoon face and included indie PC games and obscure freeware titles such as “Cat Poke” and “A Mini Falafel Adventure”. In 2010, Tiger Claw TV had a 13 episode run as part of the “R-Dub Force”, a small group project, on RetrowareTV.com. Today, video production comes second to being a family man, but as long as there is such a thing as coffee and video games, there will always be a project “underway”. Alex is also the host of the podcast “Tiger Claw Radio” which is four years running and part of the press program for GamersGate.com. He also makes chiptunes under the name “Greenleo”.
Favorite Systems: PC, PS1, NES
Favorite Games: Minecraft, Quake, River City Ransom