Tag Archives: double dragon 2

Easy Games That I Find Hard | MichaelBtheGameGenie

Mike takes a look back at some easy games that he has always found hard on this episode of video game nostalgia. Games that can be beat in a single sitting like Altered Beast on the Sega Genesis or Speedran …

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Retro Cinema Ep.#3 (Ninja Gaiden)

  All the cutscenes in Double Dragon II! Plus, grindhouse style trailers and commercials! Cameos galore!

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Childhood NES Games – Video Game Nostalgia

  Mike takes a look back at the Nintendo Entertainment System Games he had as a child and shares his memories and thoughts on each one in this very special episode of Video Game Nostalgia. Check me out on: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/ …

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RetroSnow: Double Dragon II (Mega Drive) Review

  Not the best version, but not bad enough to be a Japan exclusive. For more posts by RetroSnow: Click here Join the new Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum/

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RetroSnow: Double Dragon II (PC Engine) Review

Someone really needs to buy Marion some pepper spray or something. Discuss this episode also on the Gamester81 forum! Click here:

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