Tag Archives: Flea Markets

Finding Retro #6

    The meat wallets are back at it again when they test out a couple flea markets near them. They run into some of the best characters yet in this episode as they buy and trade for some gems. … Continue reading

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TheNesPursuit – Credit Card FAIL! Episode 44!

Crying babies, video games, Vintage T.V. trays, Ricky’s death, and Aaron’s lost credit are just some of the things you will see in todays video game hunting adventure! Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Retroli… Watch us on http://dev2017.gamester81.com Follow us on … Continue reading

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Mike the Game Hunter X3 – World of Retro Gaming!

Now back on the World Of Retro Gaming is the new Mike the Game Hunter! Check it out and subscribe to the new channel!   Mike’s YouTube Channel: Click Here For additional videos by Mike: Click Here Join the new Gamester81 … Continue reading

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Mike the Game Hunter Episode 8!

  New Mike the Game Hunter! More awesome flea market footage. For additional videos by Mike: Click Here Join the new Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum/

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    Aaron Stapish and Ricky Avila both grew up in Southern California, and both were raised up mainly playing the NES followed by the Super Nintendo. The two have a real love for games and play almost every night, … Continue reading

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