Tag Archives: GOE

Game On Expo 2018

Here is a recap over Game On Expo, a gaming event that I help organize in Phoenix, AZ. Website: http://gameonexpoaz.com/ GOE Facebook: https://facebook.com/gameonexpo GOE Twitter: https://twitter.com/gameonexpo GOE Instagram: https://instagram.com/gameonexpo More at: http://gamester81.com/ Follow me at: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gamester81Fa… Twitter: https://twitter.com/gamester81 Instagram: …

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Game On Expo gaming convention recap

This is a recap of the very first Game On Expo event that I helps organize and put together along with Jason Heine, Neil Kotler and Grey Rogers. For more information about this show check out: http://azgameonexpo.com. Play-Asia: http://www.play-asia.com Zia Records: http://www.ziarecords.com Bookmans: http://bookmans.com …

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Game On Expo event, PowerFest Reunion & Retro Championships Tournament

I’m putting together a new gaming convention called the Game On Expo. It will be at the Mesa Convention Center from August 28th-30th, 2015. It will have some great guests including PattheNESpunk, The Completionist, Keith Robinson and more. It will …

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