Tag Archives: Old Ass Retro Gamer

The Old Ass Retro Gamer, Nintenjoel and John Riggs Share Some Terrible Licensed Games

  The Old Ass Retro Gamer gets some help (and sarcasm) from Nintenjoel and John Riggs to cover some terrible licensed games for all platforms. What games did we leave out? For additional posts by John Riggs: Click Here Join the … Continue reading

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Top 5 Games to Start Your Sega Genesis or Mega Drive Collection

    The Sega Mega Drive or Genesis is one of my all time favourite games consoles, so MyGamerXP decides to make this video which highlights what he thinks are the top 5 games to start your collection. ——————————­­——–­–­——————­-­—————-­—–­—— If you have … Continue reading

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