THE MAN BEHIND “WHAT IS A MAN…?” Jeremy Blaustein Interview | Castlevania Symphony of the Night

I got the chance to do one of the first ever Castlevania Symphony of the Night centric interviews with the English Translator of the game: Jeremy Blaustein. We talked about nuanced details about his literary influences on things like enemy names (things like Legion and some of the weapons.) We touched on what translating or localizing a game really meant back in the day as compared to now with his answers shocking me about the process. And of course, we discussed the infamous “WHAT IS A MAN?” line, confirming from other sources officially for the first time. Grab a drink and sit down for an extremely informative interview with the man behind the english translation of Castlevania Symphony of the Night!

Big thanks to Mr. Blaustein for sitting down with me for this audio interview. Currently, he has his own translation company for video games called DragonBaby. You can check out their stuff here:


Or on Twitter at: DragonbabyLoc

Legends of Localization article:…

What was the most shocking reveal here? Do you prefer the original translation/localization or the retranslated PSP/Requiem version? Let me know down in the comments below.

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