The Retro VGS – New Cartridge Video Game Console


The retro video game scene is alive and well, but a new console is coming out to see just how thriving that market is. The Retro VGS (Video Game System) is looking to bring retro gaming back and better than ever, with a brand new cartridge based console. There hasn’t been a cartridge based console since 1996, so what is The Retro VGS all about? I break down everything we know about it thus far.

And if you wondering just who I am, I’m Shawn Long. I started doing videos for Nintendo Enthusiast’s YouTube channel last year, and myself and another team member helped build that channel from the ground up. You can find tons of great videos from us on there by clicking here, and future videos as well. This is just a new channel where I can talk about more than just Nintendo-related things. I’m also the Editor-in-Chief for Nintendo Enthusiast’s website, so be sure to check that out by clicking here. If you want to follow me on social media, “like” my fan page, or follow me on Twitter: @ShawnLong85. Or, do both!

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