Dude, You Haven’t Played This Game?! Policenauts Review – Sega Saturn

Heading home in an escape pod in space, Mike takes a moment to talk about Policenauts on the Sega Saturn. But as he hurtles towards the Earth, will he meet his end in a fiery crash landing? Will this be his last review? Chock full of MST3K references and an appreciation for a certain seasoned actor, you won’t want to miss this one! Join us as we talk about the highs, lows and everything in between on Hideo Kojima’s visual novel adventure, Policenauts.

#Policenauts #PolicenautsReview #PolicenautsSegaSaturn

Big thank you to Arctic Caves Gaming for the English Reproduction cover art. Check out the video below on the unboxing! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEP0Nfi6Z0c

Thanks as always to Paul Hallaway for his intro effects and Matt “Norrin Radd” Creamer for his intro music. Check out his Twitch, Youtube and Bandcamp here:

More Konami Reviews:
Snake’s Revenge Review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJuzdg_pWcM
Castlevania – Sonia Belmont Retrospective (Legends Review): https://youtu.be/p2rTXqnew28
TMNT: Hyperstone Heist Review: https://youtu.be/g__Hjvh5g-U

About miketendo

Check out more videos from Miketendo at http://www.youtube.com/dongled
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