Tag Archives: User Spot Lot

Meeting Charles Martinet (Mario) and Signing a Copy of Super Mario 64 & Mario Kart 64!

  This video is on the YouTube channel Hex1gon.  Click here to subscribe

Posted in Home News, News, Rotator Featured | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution Review

  Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution Review Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution could be viewed as a watered down version of its PC forefathers however it still manages to keep its addicting nature that the series is known for.  It has the …

Posted in Game Reviews, Home News, Rotator Featured, Top 5 | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

User Spot Light-Mario Kart Arcade GP Review

  This video was submitted by Ryan aka “waltz157” on Youtube.  Be sure to see more of Ryan’s videos on his YouTube channel: Click Here

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