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Tag Archives: controller
New Dreamcast StrikerDC Wireless Controller Review
I take a closer look at the new StrikerDC wireless controller from Retro Fighters, and available for the Dreamcast. Available here: https://retrofighters.com/our-collection/strikerdc-next-gen-wireless-dreamcast-controller/ For additional posts by Gamester81: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://gamester81.com/forum My Star Wars fan site: http://swnut77.com
New N64 Bluetooth Switch Controller – Brawler64 Review
I review the new Brawler64 controller by Retro Fighters. It’s a new N64 controller compatible with both the Nintendo Switch and PC. Available here: https://retrofighters.com/ For additional posts by Gamester81: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://gamester81.com/forum My Star Wars fan site: http://swnut77.com …
New Wireless N64 Controller – Brawler64 Review
In this In video I check out the new Brawler64 wireless N64 controllers by Retro Fighters. Additional details on this product can be found here: https://retrofighters.com/our-collection/brawler64-wireless-edition/ More at: http://gamester81.com/ Follow me at: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gamester81Fanpage Twitter: https://twitter.com/gamester81 Instagram: http://instagram.com/gamester81 My …
New StrikerDC Controller review for the Sega Dreamcast
Here is a review over the new StrikerDC Gamepad by Retro Fightersfor the Sega Dreamcast. It’s available at: https://retrofighters.com/our-collection/strikerdc-dreamcast-controller/ More at: http://gamester81.com/ Follow me at: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gamester81Fanpage Twitter: https://twitter.com/gamester81 Instagram: http://instagram.com/gamester81 My other channels: Starwarsnut77: https://www.youtube.com/user/starwarsnut77 NEStalgiaholic: https://www.youtube.com/user/NEStalgiaholic Gamester81Arcade: https://www.youtube.com/user/gamester81arcade
New 8Bitdo M30 Bluetooth Gamepad – Sega Genesis & MD Style
Here is review over the new M30 Bluetooth Gamepad controllers by 8bitdo. Additional info can be found at: http://www.8bitdo.com/ More at: http://gamester81.com/ Follow me at: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gamester81Fa… Twitter: https://twitter.com/gamester81 Instagram: http://instagram.com/gamester81 My other channels: Starwarsnut77: https://www.youtube.com/user/starwars… NEStalgiaholic: https://www.youtube.com/user/NEStalgi… Gamester81Arcade: https://www.youtube.com/user/gamester… …
New Officially Licensed Sega Genesis Controllers by Retro-bit
Here is a closer look at the upcoming new Sega Genesis controllers that are officially licensed by Sega. Additional information can be found here: http://retro-bit.com/sega-collaboration More at: http://gamester81.com/ Follow me at: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gamester81Fa… Twitter: https://twitter.com/gamester81 Instagram: http://instagram.com/gamester81 My other channels: …
New Modern N64 Controller – Brawler64 Review
Here is a review over the new Brawler 64 controller for the classic N64. Available here: http://retrofighters.com/ More at: http://gamester81.com/ Follow me at: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gamester81Fanpage Twitter: https://twitter.com/gamester81 Instagram: http://instagram.com/gamester81 My other channels: Starwarsnut77: https://www.youtube.com/user/starwarsnut77.com NEStalgiaholic: https://www.youtube.com/user/NEStalgiaholic Gamester81Arcade: https://www.youtube.com/user/gamester81arcade For additional posts …
New NES (NES30) Bluetooth controllers review – Gamester81
Here is my review over the new NES30 and NES30 Pro Bluetooth Controllers by 8bitdo. Additonal information about the controller found here: http://www.analogue.co/pages/8bitdo-x… More info about Meteor Swarm and CollectorVision can be found here: http://collectorvision.com/ For more video gaming news …
Eric, Jay and Jordan talk about the recent “leaked” Nintendo NX Controller that turned out to be a big hoax. Story: http://www.geek.com/games/how-the-fake-nintendo-nx-controller-was-made-with-a-3d-printer-1650709/ Rerez Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47bZdbR8JUg Watch the Full Episode: http://finalbosses.com/chodecast-ep-1-chodecast-2/ Subscribe to ChodeCast ► http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwGEcKIiPBmH2E307Ajlwqw/?sub_confirmation=1 Subscribe to Shady Jay ► …
Colecovision Super Arcade Controller and Adapter Kickstarter!
The kickstarter campaign for the Super Arcade Controller and Adapter for the colecovision and colecovision flashback system has gone live! It started January 20th, 2016 and will continue for 29 days. So far Edladdin has raised $1,565 of their $9,650 …
Playbudz Review | 3KB
Greatest accessory for the Playstation 4? It’s also one of the cheapest! 3KB Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/3killabytes Follow 3_KILLA_BYTES on Twitter: http://twitter.com/3killabytes http://twitter.com/JayHooft http://twitter.com/kat_jovey http://twitter.com/terence3kb 3_killa_bytes Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/3killabytes 3KB Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3KBVlog/ Jay’s Channel: http://www.youtube.com/Jason3KB Kat’s Channel: http://www.youtube.com/KatharineJovey …
Retro Duo Portable v 2.0 System Reveiw
Here is my review over the new Retro Duo Portable v 2.0. It can play SNES, NES, Genesis and more. So how is it? Find out here… For additional posts by Gamester81: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum
An Overview of the CD-i Mouse
For the average home videogame platform, mouse accessories have generally garnered little support. Interestingly, such was not the case with the Philips CD-i platform. In this video we will be taking a look at the mouse peripheral itself, as well …
Amazing Video Game Collection with Joe from Atari2600.com
Joe and I discuss rare and retro video games: An amazing video game tour: www.atari2600.com
