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Tag Archives: Konami
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon HD Remake Intro
My team and I recently submitted our HD remake proposal to Konami as a part of their contest. Huge shoutout to my team at CollectorVision Games who did a great job with this intro. Let me know what you think …
New The Simpsons Arcade by Arcade1Up Info
In this video I talk about the new The Simpsons arcade game coming out later this year by Arcade1Up to celebrate the 30th anniversary. More at: http://gamester81.com/ Follow me at: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gamester81Fanpage Twitter: https://twitter.com/gamester81 Instagram: http://instagram.com/gamester81 My other channels: …
Top 10 Beat’em Up Games – Gamester81
In this video I share my top 10 beat’em up games. What’s your? Please let me know by leaving a comment below. Thanks! More at: http://gamester81.com/ Follow me at: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gamester81Fanpage Twitter: https://twitter.com/gamester81 Instagram: http://instagram.com/gamester81 My other channels: Starwarsnut77: https://www.youtube.com/user/starwarsnut77 …
New PC Engine Mini System Review
Here is a closer look at the new PC Engine Mini. More at: http://gamester81.com/ Follow me at: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gamester81Fanpage Twitter: https://twitter.com/gamester81 Instagram: http://instagram.com/gamester81 My other channels: Starwarsnut77: https://www.youtube.com/user/starwarsnut77 NEStalgiaholic: https://www.youtube.com/user/NEStalgiaholic Gamester81Arcade: https://www.youtube.com/user/gamester81arcade
Snatcher (Sega CD) – Hideo Kojima’s Cyberpunk Cult Classic – H4G
Hard4Games covers the Kojima / Konami masterpiece – Snatcher. Real hardware, on a PVM, recorded in RGB, & with a light gun. We wanted the real experience for this amazing cyber punk text adventure. Slight spoilers from the first 15 …
The Bunker (w/KWKBox) 12.17.2017 :: LiveStream
Kevin joins Coury and Try from My Life in Gaming for an FMV adventure that soon turns into classic arcade action. Support us on Patreon ► https://www.patreon.com/KWKBOX Follow us on Twitter ► https://twitter.com/KWKBOX Visit our website ► http://www.kwkbox.com Follow us …
Guardians of the Galaxy NES Game! – Cygnus Destroyer
Subscribe for great justice! ► http://bit.ly/LJNDefender The Guardians of the Galaxy are about to return to theaters nationwide and the new Telltale game was just released, but did you know that there is an NES game based on Star-Lord, …
Analogue NT Mini system review – most advanced NES clone
In this video I review the new Analogue NT Mini system. It’s the most advanced NES clone to hit the market as well as the most expensive. Is it worth the asking price? Let’s find out. The Analogue NT Mini …
VGBS 57 – The Konami and Capcom Years (feat Rewind Mike)
We sit back with Rewind Mike and talk classic Konami and Capcom stories and his tributes for his YouTube channel. We then dovetail into talking about what other companies we want tributes for. We then talk about the special Crisis …
My Top 10 Konami NES Games
I take a look at my favorite Konami NES games! For additional posts by Maximpact24: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum Star Wars fan? Then check out our sister site: http://swnut77.com
New 8 Bit HD NES clone – only $50! Review
I review the new 8-Bit HD system by Gamerz Tek coming out December 15th, 2016. They do offer a one year warranty as well on their systems. You can preorder one here: http://www.gamerztek.com/ For more video gaming news and reviews, …
PixelTunes Radio VGM Podcast – Episode 72
****PLEASE NOTE: Due to the nature of how this episode is mixed, it may create phase cancellation. We suggest listening via stereo and not mono for the best sound performance possible. **** Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse, known as Akumajō Densetsu …
ZapCon 2016 Arcade Convention Recap
In this video I do a walkthrough of the ZapCon 2016 event. It’s a convention that features over 300 classic pinball and arcade games. For additional games and reviews check out: http://dev2017.gamester81.com Music by Ben Allen with CollectorVision Games. Gamester81 shirts …
Contra ROM Hacks! – Cygnus Destroyer
Subscribe for great justice! ► http://bit.ly/LJNDefender Contra and Super C rank very high on the “NES Hard” spectrum, but the ROM hacking community has pushed the challenge offered from the original games into overdrive with double the bullets, screwy …
Contra: Hard Corps (Genesis) Game & Watch with MichaelB
Mike dusts off his Sega Genesis to play one of it’s finest games Contra: Hard Core. Will this game do to him what it does every time? You betcha, it kicks his butt. Check me out on: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/ Facebook: …
Kid Dracula (Famicom / NES) Game & Watch with MichaelB
Mike tries Kid Dracula on the Famicom/ NES for the very first time…and needless to say he is very impressed Check me out on: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MichaelBtheGameGenie Twitter: https://twitter.com/MikeBGameGenie Instagram: http://instagram.com/mikebgamegenie All music and video used are the property …
Fun or Fail? Rollergames (NES)
An overlooked Konami game? How can this be?
Let’s Talk: Konami Games
Max explains how Konami solidified NES’s greatness JOIN THE HOMIES TODAY SUBSCRIBE ► http://bit.ly/1QsgAAT TITLES AND TRANSITIONS BY RAVEN PRO DESIGNS http://RavenProDesign.com CONNECT WITH MAX STERLING ONLINE TWITTER ► http://bit.ly/1MC4wPA FACEBOOK ► http://on.fb.me/1NNP7fv INSTAGRAM ► http://bit.ly/1OoT6zb STEAM, XBONE, AND …
TMNT: Turtles in Time (Super Nintendo & Arcade) – Cygnus Destroyer
Turtles in Time is arguably the premiere Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles video game. Much like many retro gamers around my age, I first experienced this Konami classic on the SNES, but it was originally released in arcades in 1991. …
Can You Beat ‘Contra’ Without Dying? Here’s How!
I can’t beat the first level of Contra with the 30-man code. I can’t even cross the first bridge without falling in the water. Speedrunner Mega RetroMan shows you how you can beat Contra without dying on this ‘no …
RetroSnow: Turtles in Time (SNES) Review
Let’s kick shell! Thanks to “theguywhosahead” for the coop gameplay. SUPPORT THE SHOW: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=745208&ty=h For additional videos by RetroSnow: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum Star Wars fan? Then check out our sister site: http://swnut77.com
Bucky O’Hare (NES) Game & Watch with MichaelB
Mike plays one of his favourite games for the Nintendo Entertainment System, Buck O’Hare as requested by his buddy Will Santana Check me out on: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MichaelBtheGameGenie Twitter: https://twitter.com/MikeBGameGenie Instagram: http://instagram.com/mikebgamegenie All music and video used are the …
Top 10: Ultra Games
Will looks at his top 10 Ultra Games…games. For additional posts by Maximpact24: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum Star Wars fan? Then check out our sister site: http://swnut77.com
Super C (NES) Game & Watch with MichaelB
After being told time and time again that he isn’t very good at games, Mike gives in and decides to play a game from a series that he is truly terrible at to show you just how bad he …
New Gamerz Tek 8-Bit Entertainment System Review
In this video I review the new 8 Bit Entertainment System by Gamerz Tek. This is a new clone console for the Nintendo Entertainment System that just came out and can play more games than most other clone consoles. You …
Monster in my Pocket Game & Watch with MichaelB
Mike tries to beat Monster in my Pocket on the NES. A Konami game he has only played once before based on a popular toy line from the early 90’s. Weekend Game Guy’s Halloween Special on Monster in my Pocket: …
Castlevania Game & Watch with MichaelB
Mike attempts to get through Castlevania on the NES without using a continue. Can he make it all the way to Dracula or will his quest end short? Find out in this Wednesday’s Game & Watch with MichaelB. Check …
NES Complete Collection Chronicles September 2014
Mike has a big month and adds 14 new games to his NES collection including a couple variants of a classic game, and another Konami great. How close will this total bring him to the final tally? Find out on …
Roc ‘n Rope Arcade Review 1983 – Mamecade
Konami Roc ‘n Rope arcade game. A classic platformer from 1983 that uses some clever ticks that never require jumping. For additional videos by MAMECADE: Click Here Talk about this video on Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum
Game Over Epi 1 – TMNT 3 The Manhatten Project (NES)
How long can you last with 3 lives, no cheats, no continues? In this series of videos I do just that. I see how long I can survive in some of my favorite retro games. For additional posts by …
NES Complete Collection Chronicles January & February 2014
In his January and February 2014 update to his NES Complete Collection Chronicles, Mike picks up two very uncommon NES games that are both as hard to find as they are to beat. As well as 12 other games, …
Living in 8 Bits #43 – Double Dribble
After conquering Tecmo Bowl, the group trains for a new sport: basketball. This time it is all about mastering the dunk and looking good while doing it! Follow us on Twitter: @Livingin8Bits Like us on Facebook: Facebook.com/Livingin8Bits Subscribe on YouTube: …
Top 5 Castlevania Games
This week I take a look at my Top 5 favorite games in the Castlevania series. I’m learning new video editing software, so if anything looks a little sloppy, hopefully I’ll learn from my mistakes for the next video. This …
Weekend Game Guy Halloween Special
Weekend Game Guy checks out one of his all time favorite Konami titles, Monster In My Pocket. He grows to realize that that something wicked lurks in the closet of his game room.
Mass Debaters – What’s Your Favourite Arcade Cabinet?
Welcome to tenth Mass Debaters! This time Adi, Roger, Danny and Johnny discuss some of their favourite arcade cabinets! As always they are joined by an awesome special guest who gives their opinions also. Special Thanks to Gregg from …
Wrestle Reviews: Rumble Roses
Wrestle Reviews Rumble Roses Release 2005 Format Playstation 2 Background Man how could you not feel kind of dirty when you took this game on the counter in your local video game store? If you like hot chicks wrestling in …
Best 20 Original Game Boy Games of All Time
#20-11: #10-#1: There were 814 total games released for the original Game Boy. The original Game Boy is often times overshadowed by its big brother the NES. It’s great to collect for because the games are significantly less expensive …
Capcom vs. Konami – 1000 Subsciber Video Game Nostalgia
Which side were you on, Capcom or Konami? I could not decide myself so I solicited the expert opinions of some of my very best friends here on YouTube. 16 Bit Brothers — 4:35 http://www.youtube.com/user/16BitBrothers 64BitMatthew — 7:50 …
Big Mike and Terence throw down on Frogger and the infamous clone, Freeway, during a raw footage interview for the hit series, ‘The Video Game Years.’
Living in 8 Bits #35 – Blades of Wheels
In this Blades of Steel themed episode of Living in 8 Bits, go inside the practice of the infamous Blades of Wheels league. Follow us on Twitter: @Livingin8Bits Like us on Facebook: Facebook.com/Livingin8Bits Subscribe on YouTube: youtube.com/MixedNutsProductions
Tour of Funspot Family Fun Center (Arcade)
Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:
Excalibur Casino “Fun Dungeon” Arcade Tour
Discuss this episode also on the Gamester81 forum! Click here:
Coney Island Arcade at New York New York Casino Las Vegas
Discuss this episode also on the Gamester81 forum! Click here:
Silent Hill: Downpour Review (Xbox 360)
In the year 1999 not only were we facing the apparent and mythological crisis of Y2K but we also saw a handful of fantastic games to be released on Sony’s already aging console; the Playstation One. Developer and Publisher Konami was …
RetroSnow: Aliens (Arcade) Review
In Pizza Hut, no one can hear you scream. Discuss this episode also on the Gamester81 forum! Click here:
The Simpsons Arcade Review
Discuss this episode also on the Gamester81 forum! Click here:
BurgerTime World Tour Review
BurgerTime World Tour was released on November, 2011 for both XBLA and PSN. It is developed by Monkey Paw Games and published by Konami.
RetroSnow: Mad City/Bayou Billy (Famicom) Review
You don’t mess with a guy that can punch turkeys out of alligators.
Visiting Ground Kontrol Arcade in Portland, OR
Ground Kontrol is an arcade located in Portland, OR. Here is their official website: Click Here. Watch in 3D with any red/blue 3D glasses:
