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Tag Archives: Media Glitch
New Old School Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayan Trailer!
Here’s a new trailer for Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayan. It’s currently available for the Nintendo Switch, on Steam, and on the iiRcade. Coming to the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S soon. …
Boogie2988 interview game on expo 2019
boogie2988 interview game on expo 2019. We ask Boogie2988 the hard to answer questions in life. Enjoy! Boogie2988 channel https://www.youtube.com/user/boogie2988 Want to send us your game to review? Here’s our address MEDIA GLITCH JOEL VALLIE PO BOX 65044 Albuquerque, NM …
I got a Killer Instinct Arcade Cabinet
I got a Killer Instinct Arcade Cabinet. my holy grail of arcade cabinets is Support us on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/mediaglitch Want to send us mail? Here’s the address MEDIA GLITCH JOEL VALLIE PO BOX 65044 Albuquerque, NM 87193 OUR STREAM …
Funny Zelda Skit
Here is a funny legend of Zelda skit we did called “Linktino to the past” See the full video here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFBuEG5LWjw
ROAD TO RECOVERY WE GOT MAIL People donated some video games to the series. Support us on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/mediaglitch Want to send us mail? Here’s the address MEDIA GLITCH JOEL VALLIE PO BOX 65044 Albuquerque, NM 87193 OUR STREAM …
Streets of Rage 4 Art and Talk
Streets of Rage 4 Art and Talk Support us on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/mediaglitch Want to send us mail? Here’s the address MEDIA GLITCH JOEL VALLIE PO BOX 65044 Albuquerque, NM 87193 OUR STREAM : https://www.twitch.tv/mediaglitch Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter https://twitter.com/joelvallie TUMBLR …
Mega Sega Pick Ups Video
Mega Sega Pick Ups Video Support us on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/mediaglitch Want to send us mail? Here’s the address MEDIA GLITCH JOEL VALLIE PO BOX 65044 Albuquerque, NM 87193 OUR STREAM : https://www.twitch.tv/mediaglitch Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter https://twitter.com/joelvallie TUMBLR http://mediaglitchshow.tumblr.com INSTAGRAM …
Video Game t-shirts
Video game t-shirts. Jons Junk episode 3 we dive into his shirt collection. Support us on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/mediaglitch Want to send us mail? Here’s the address MEDIA GLITCH JOEL VALLIE PO BOX 65044 Albuquerque, NM 87193 OUR STREAM : …
Overwatch lucio voice actor media glitch game on expo 2018
overwatch voice actor panel lucio overwatch lucio voice actor media glitch game on expo 2018 Support us on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/mediaglitch Want to send us mail? Here’s the address MEDIA GLITCH JOEL VALLIE PO BOX 65044 Albuquerque, NM 87193 …
Jon’s Junk Episode 2 rare video game stuff
Support us on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/mediaglitch Want to send us mail? Here’s the address MEDIA GLITCH JOEL VALLIE PO BOX 65044 Albuquerque, NM 87193 OUR STREAM : https://www.twitch.tv/mediaglitch Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter https://twitter.com/joelvallie TUMBLR http://mediaglitchshow.tumblr.com INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/jvvallie PERSONAL WEBSITE http://www.joelvalliefilms.com You …
The best Troy Baker panel Game On Expo 2018
The best Troy Baker panel Game on Expo Support us on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/mediaglitch Want to send us mail? Here’s the address MEDIA GLITCH JOEL VALLIE PO BOX 65044 Albuquerque, NM 87193 OUR STREAM : https://www.twitch.tv/mediaglitch Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter https://twitter.com/joelvallie …
Master Chief voice actor panel Game on Expo 2018
GAME ON EXPO 2018 Master Chief voice actor panel. the voices of video games Support us on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/mediaglitch Want to send us mail? Here’s the address MEDIA GLITCH JOEL VALLIE PO BOX 65044 Albuquerque, NM 87193 OUR STREAM …
Jennifer Hale Interview (GAME ON EXPO)
Amazing Jenifer Hale Panel at Game on Expo. Canadian-American voice actress best known for her work in video game franchises including Baldur’s Gate, Mass Effect, Metal Gear Solid, Spider-Man, BioShock Infinite, and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. …
Q&A panel with Media Glitch, lots of games and Iretrogamer Retro vs modern gaming
GAME ON EPO Q&A panel with Media Glitch, lots of games and Iretrogamer Retro vs modern gaming Support us on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/mediaglitch Want to send us mail? Here’s the address MEDIA GLITCH JOEL VALLIE PO BOX 65044 Albuquerque, NM …
Video game voice actors panel game on expo featuring Zelda, walking dead, and more
Video game voice actors panel game on expo featuring Zelda, walking dead, and more. get your passes for this years Game on expo here https://gameonexpoaz.com/passes/ SUPPORT US on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/mediaglitch MEDIA GLITCH Want to send us mail? Here’s the …
A big Thank You from Media Glitch
A big Thank You from Media Glitch. I take time to thank you guys and the Media Glitch staff. Come check it out. Patreon https://www.patreon.com/mediaglitch MEDIA GLITCH Want to send us mail? Here’s the address JOEL VALLIE PO …
I was wrong about the Nes Classic Edition and does it hurt retro game stores
I was wrong about the Nes Classic Edition and does the nes classic hurt retro game stores: Featuring Iretrogamer MEDIA GLITCH Want to send us mail? Here’s the address JOEL VALLIE PO BOX 65044 Albuquerque, NM 87193 PATREON https://www.patreon.com/mediaglitch …
Garage Sale Video game finds with iretrogamer
Garage sale season is back and I score some amazing video games to add to the collection, Sit back and watch as Tyler from iretrogamer and I show off the goods. iretrogamers channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOkZ… MEDIA GLITCH Want to send us …
Awesome Video Game Pickups at Goodwill
Published on Feb 25, 2018 Awesome Video Game Pickups at Goodwill. For little money, you can build up a nice retro video game collection. MEDIA GLITCH Want to send us mail? Here’s the address JOEL VALLIE PO BOX 65044 Albuquerque, …
MORTAL KOMBAT 25 Year anniversary panel with Johnny Cage, Jax, Sonya, Sindel, Shang Tsung, Shao Kahn
MORTAL KOMBAT 25 Year anniversary panel at Game on Expo with Master Daniel Pesina (Johnny Cage, scorpion, reptile, noob saibot, subzero,) John Parrish (Jax) , Kerri Hoskins (Sonya Blade) , Lia Montelongo (Sindel), Philip Ahn, M.D. (Shang Tsung) , Brian …
Here is the panel we did at game on expo with the voice actors of Overwatch I hope you enjoy our time with Carolina Ravassa (sombra) Anjali Bhimani (Symmetra) and Josh Petersdorf (Roadhog) MEDIA GLITCH Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter https://twitter.com/joelvallie TUMBLR …
GAME ON EXPO 2017 RECAP phoenix arizona
Here is a brief recap of the event “Game on Expo” in phoenix Arizona and what to expect from Media Glitch over the next couple weeks. Every one is in this one. PLEASE SHARE IT. MEDIA GLITCH Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter https://twitter.com/joelvallie TUMBLR http://mediaglitchshow.tumblr.com …
Happy Birthday Jimmy from lotsofgames
Happy Birthday Jimmy from lotsofgames MEDIA GLITCH Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter https://twitter.com/joelvallie TUMBLR http://mediaglitchshow.tumblr.com INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/jvvallie PERSONAL WEBSITE http://www.joelvalliefilms.com Want to send us mail? Here’s the address JOEL VALLIE PO BOX 65044 Albuquerque, NM 87193 #epic #videogamepickups #retro #vintage #mediaglitch #joelvallie …
MEDIA GLITCH Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter https://twitter.com/joelvallie TUMBLR http://mediaglitchshow.tumblr.com INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/jvvallie PERSONAL WEBSITE http://www.joelvalliefilms.com Want to send us mail? Here’s the address JOEL VALLIE PO BOX 65044 Albuquerque, NM 87193 For additional posts by Mediaglitch: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum …
Our TOP 10 most NOSTALGIC video games with Jimmy from lots of games
Our TOP 10 most NOSTALGIC video games with Jimmy from lots of games. Our TOP 10 most NOSTALGIC video games Jimmy’s channel https://www.youtube.com/user/lotsofgames outro music provided by Banjo Guy Ollie https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5-umfrfqPvDvWCYHJGYtpA MEDIA GLITCH Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter https://twitter.com/joelvallie TUMBLR http://mediaglitchshow.tumblr.com INSTAGRAM …
Can this kid beat the first level of “The Revenge of Shinobi”?
Can this kid beat the first level of “The Revenge of Shinobi”? MEDIA GLITCH Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter https://twitter.com/joelvallie TUMBLR http://mediaglitchshow.tumblr.com INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/jvvallie PERSONAL WEBSITE http://www.joelvalliefilms.com Want to send us mail? Here’s the address JOEL VALLIE PO BOX 65044 Albuquerque, NM …
Today Miranda (wargamer girl) reviews “Blossom Tales” Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King is a great ode to Link to the Past. outro music provided by Banjo Guy Ollie https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5-umfrfqPvDvWCYHJGYtpA Explore a huge open game world in classic action-adventure fashion! Prove …
Star Wars Celebration 2017!
I’m joined with my good friend Joel Vallie from the show Media Glitch, and we talk about what we experienced at Star Wars Celebration 2017 in Orlando, FL. Here is Joel’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/mediagli… More at: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/ Follow me at: Facebook: …
A new 8-bit game is out on steam and its definitely one to play. I’m talking about ALWA’S AWAKENING Buy it here http://store.steampowered.com/app/549260/ Game website http://alwasawakening.com/ https://twitter.com/alwasawakening https://www.facebook.com/alwasawakening https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNMgKay4Aq1th_nX3QECrrQ Outro music provided by Banjo Guy Ollie https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5-umfrfqPvDvWCYHJGYtpA MEDIA GLITCH Facebook …
ROAD TO RECOVERY EPISODE 1 Introduction My Drug addiction
Years ago I lost all my video game collection because of my drug addiction. This is my journey to get it all back. MY GAME LIST IS HERE: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hd8Lb6ubvtln8kQ6hdg4NWjwAxoRGtFB7huACataaYI/edit?usp=sharing MEDIA GLITCH Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter https://twitter.com/joelvallie TUMBLR http://mediaglitchshow.tumblr.com INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/jvvallie PERSONAL …
You know the man but do you know the story? 8-bit Eric tells all in this Media Glitch : Game on Expo Interview I did with him. Go check out his channel https://www.youtube.com/user/messyvideogamenerd HIS GAMESTOP VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5DZS8GZ8fs MEDIA GLITCH …
THANKS FOR WATCHING MEDIA GLITCH PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! I do a interview with the owners of the one of a kind Nintendo PlayStation, we talk about the history of it and how it came into their possession Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter https://twitter.com/joelvallie …
Interview with Scottsquatch (videogamesellers) Game On Expo. Enjoy!
Interview with Scottsquatch Game On Expo. Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/user/JHMDF MEDIA GLITCH Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter https://twitter.com/joelvallie TUMBLR http://mediaglitchshow.tumblr.com INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/jvvallie PERSONAL WEBSITE http://www.joelvalliefilms.com JOEL VALLIE PO BOX 65044 Albuquerque, NM 87193 For additional posts by Mediaglitch: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum Star …
Got a chance to do a interview with Pete Dorr. We talk about his career thus far and his Sonic collection that Guinness book of world records wanted him to submit. check it out. https://www.twitch.tv/petesgameroom https://www.youtube.com/user/PeteDorr https://www.patreon.com/petedorr https://twitter.com/petedorr https://www.facebook.com/petedorr Facebook …
PAT THE NES PUNK INTERVIEW (Ultimate Nintendo: Guide to the NES Library 1985-1995)
Today Media Glitch Interviews Pat the NES Punk and we talk about the Ultimate Nintendo: Guide to the NES Library 1985-1995. This book is an expansive and thorough look at one of the greatest video game libraries of all time …
The only man to get a Rated R panel description on his panel I present to you the one , the only, Johnny Millenium AKA Happy Console Gamer! We talk about “The Happy Console Gamer The Movie part 2” and …
Video Game Hunting with Dominic
We hit some garage sales to see what we find. Will we find some rare gems? Hard to say I guess you’ll have to watch. JOEL VALLIE PO BOX 65044 Albuquerque, NM 87193 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter https://twitter.com/joelvallie TUMBLR http://mediaglitchshow.tumblr.com INSTAGRAM …
A new segment here on Media Glitch where I look at every level boss of a certain video game and then I give my opinion of which one is the best. JOEL VALLIE PO BOX 65044 Albuquerque, NM 87193 Facebook …
What video game do you want most in your collection?
Today on Media Glitch I got Jimmy from lots of games here and today we answer the question What game do you want most in your collection? So I ask the same question to you guys, What game do you …
3D Zelda 30 Year Tribute Remake
This is amazing. A 3d remake of the legend of Zelda. MIND BLOWN!!! Click here to play it. http://zelda30tribute.com/ https://www.facebook.com/zelda30tribute https://twitter.com/zelda30tribute Please dont forget to like and subscribe Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter https://twitter.com/joelvallie TUMBLR http://mediaglitchshow.tumblr.com INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/jvvallie For additional posts by …
Some great video game pickups
OHHH boy I got me a bunch of video games in this pick up video. https://www.facebook.com/GamersAnonymous http://www.mcflys8-bitavenue.com/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter https://twitter.com/joelvallie TUMBLR http://mediaglitchshow.tumblr.com INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/jvvallie For additional posts by Mediaglitch: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum Star Wars fan? Then check …
We have united with Leap trade to bring you our bigest giveaway contest yet. Win a copy of Uncharted 4 and Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection. Thats every uncharted game for your PS4. Watch the video to see how to …
Name that Nintendo game #2
WATCH IN 60 FPS : How well do you know the classic NES game library? Put your skills to the test and let us know how you did below. Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter https://twitter.com/joelvallie TUMBLR http://mediaglitchshow.tumblr.com INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/jvvallie For additional posts …
SUPER RARE Majora’s Mask Medallion
The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask is an amazing video game on the N64 and this is an amazing Medallion made by the amazing artist Daniel Vallie https://www.facebook.com/Indigenous-Ink-242475542510526/?fref=ts Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter https://twitter.com/joelvallie TUMBLR http://mediaglitchshow.tumblr.com INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/jvvallie For additional posts …
Mega Man made me cry!
Here is my review on Mega man The Wily wars. please like,comment and subscribe. I would personally like to thank The Nintendo Doctor for sending me a copy of this amazing game. Visit him here. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZT6mEC1e3_0cdYzn_ucGgw https://www.facebook.com/DoctorNintendo https://twitter.com/NESDoctor Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow …
TWINKLE TALE Sega Genesis / Mega Drive Review
Today I get my hands on a copy of Twinkle Tale for the Mega Drive, but you can get repo carts for the Sage Genesis. This is one of the greatest as far as repo carts go. I would personally …
WATCH IN 60 FPS : Media Glitch: Today Joel Vallie challenges your video game knowledge in “Name That Video Game Sega Genesis Edition #1” Let us know it the comment section below how you did. Thanks for playing. Facebook …
Leave Battlefront and Jontron Alone – Starwars Battlefront Review
Ok so I go on a little rant about Battlefront and the negative attitude of gamers in general. I talk about the whole Jontron Walmart and Anna Kendrick commercial. Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter https://twitter.com/joelvallie TUMBLR http://mediaglitchshow.tumblr.com INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/jvvallie For additional posts …
Star Wars Battlefront Midnight Release Party
Media Glitch: We’re at Game Stop for the midnight release of Star Wars Battlefront. We ask the questions: what is your favorite Star Wars movie, and what is your favorite Star Wars game? Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter https://twitter.com/joelvallie TUMBLR http://mediaglitchshow.tumblr.com INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/jvvallie …
Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Review
Media Glitch reviews Call of Duty Black Ops 3, because hey maybe you want to know what they think about the game. Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter https://twitter.com/joelvallie TUMBLR http://mediaglitchshow.tumblr.com INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/jvvallie For additional posts by Mediaglitch: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum Star …
Fallout 4 Midnight Release Gamestop
So we were at the midnight release of Fallout 4 at Gamestop to talk to the fans and find out what they were looking forward to in this newest release. WE also ask the Question “what is your favorite Fallout …
Media Glitch Kids Review Snoopy’s Grand Adventure
EPISODE 1: Media Glitch’s Kids review the new game Snoopy’s Grand Adventure for the PS4. They were very nervous but this is some thing they really want to start doing, so let them know in the comment selection how they did. …
Midnight Release Call of Duty: Black Ops 3
Media Glitch: We had a blast at the midnight release for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, and got some good interviews and hang out with some great gamers. Please subscribe to our channel, and don’t forget to like the …
Unboxing Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Juggernog Edition
Media Glitch: Today we Unbox the Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Juggernog Edition. I will also be doing a video of the actual midnight release party so be on the look out for that. Joel Vallie is your host …
Ghostbusters Sega Genesis Review – Halloween Week
Media Glitch: Halloween Week Continues with a review/tribute to the amazing Sega Genesis video game Ghostbusters. Ghostbusters was released by Sega for the Mega Drive/Genesis on June 29, 1990. It is unrelated to the earlier Activision game, and is instead …
WATCH AT 60 FPS – 100th EPISODE!!! My first Video game music video. What better game to start with then CONTRA for the Nes. Iv been wanting to do these for a while so let me know in the comment …
Scored a great SNES lot and a PS2 lot life is good. Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter https://twitter.com/joelvallie TUMBLR http://mediaglitchshow.tumblr.com INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/jvvallie For additional posts by Mediaglitch: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum Star Wars fan? Then check out our sister …
We are giving away a great package full of games, books and other goodies so don’t forget to like comment and subscribe to enter in. If you want to enter in twice put send a tweet saying “ENTER ME IN …
Media Glitch: Joel Vallie reviews the game “Gaunltlet Slayer Edition” for the PS4. The traditional Gauntlet 4-player co-op gameplay returns in a new experience. Assume the role of one of 4 unique heroes in a monster-filled dungeon brawler. Battle …
SUBMERGED review: PS4, Xboxone, and Steam
Today I review Submerged on the PS4. Plus a little funny skit I did with the family. Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter https://twitter.com/joelvallie TUMBLR http://mediaglitchshow.tumblr.com INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/jvvallie Submerged is a third-person combat-free game in which you explore a mysterious flooded city and …
How well do you know the SNES library? In this game or Quiz we test your skills. How many points can you get? the points start to drop the longer it takes you to answer. Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter @joelvallie TUMBLR …
Today we review Whispering Willows for the PS4, PS3, Vita, Xbox One, Wii U, Steam, Windows and just about every platform you can think of. Twitter @joelvallie facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow instagram @jvvallie Game Description Young Elena Elkhorn embarks on a harrowing …
Here is our skit and Spoiler free review of Jurassic World. Did you guys see it? What are your thoughts? Thanks for watching guys. Plus tell us what you think of our skit. Twenty-two years after the events of Jurassic …
In this episode I find some not so common video games in the wild also some one try’s to give me drugs at a garage sale. Lol, I gladly refuse if they would have had a copy of earth bound …
Another edition of “NAME THAT VIDEO GAME” The Sega Master System edition #1. Let us know in the comment section below how you did. Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter @joelvallie TUMBLR http://mediaglitchshow.tumblr.com INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/jvvallie For additional posts by Mediaglitch: Click Here Join the …
Video game hunting with 3 Mexicans in a truck
Joel Vallie, Nickelback Jeff and G-Unit Colima pack into a truck and go game chasing at garage sales. Do they get any thing? Only those who watch will know. Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter @joelvallie TUMBLR http://mediaglitchshow.tumblr.com INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/jvvallie Gunit colimas …
Joel’s Birthday Party
Some times we have birthday party’s and play lots of video games and eat tons of fried chicken. Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter @joelvallie TUMBLR http://mediaglitchshow.tumblr.com INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/jvvallie For additional posts by Mediaglitch: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum Star Wars fan? Then …
We unbox the Mortal Kombat X Kollector’s Edition during the midnight release party, plus we say good buy to an old Media Glitch friend. This is a epic episode. Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter @joelvallie TUMBLR http://mediaglitchshow.tumblr.com INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/jvvallie For additional posts …
Media Glitch
Joel Vallie is a film director, and the host of the show, Media Glitch. Media Glitch airs on TV in the state of New Mexico and on YouTube. He has been playing video games sense he was knee high …
