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Category Archives: Uncategorized
National Videogame Museum Treasures | The Uncommon Valley
The US National Videogame Museum is a museum about the history of video games and the video game industry, located in Frisco, Texas. Opened in 2016, the museum includes classic video game arcade machines in an arcade setting, games on …
BrawlerGen Sega Controllers by Retro Fighters Review
In this video I take a look at a couple of new Sega Genesis controllers by RetroFighters. The BrawlerGen controller comes in both retro console adapters for both Sega Genesis/Mega Drive as well as Saturn. It also comes in USB …
Here is a look at a new upcoming game for the Nintendo Entertainment System called Jester. This game is by CollectorVision Games. More info on this game can be found here: https://collectorvision.com/shop/nes/… More at: http://gamester81.com/ Follow me at: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gamester81Fanpage …
Mike’s got some information about how to achieve stereoscopic 3d in 3d shutter based games, anaglyph mode and Pulfrich mode, without paying the insane prices some of the glasses that came with the consoles go for nowadays. Note: this doesn’t …
Space World ’95 – Mario 64 Beta Project – (Shoshinkai 1995)
Shoshinkai 1995 / Nintendo Space World 1995 – was the first showcase of the Nintendo 64 and Super Mario 64. We share actual tickets to the event and a Mario 64 Beta fan project with an Ultra 64 joystick.
TurboGrafx-16 Mini Review | MichaelBtheGameGenie
In this video I review the TurboGrafx-16 Mini. How does it stack up to the original? What do I think of the games that are included? And was it worth the money? Find out in this video as a I …
Dude, You Haven’t Played This Game?! Retro Mini Reviews
And now for something completely different….Mike takes a look at three games in bite-sized review format. This is a compilation from three different collaborations I was previously involved in, so if you want to see the full videos, take a …
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Arcade1Up Review | MichaelBtheGameGenie
I take a look at the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Arcade1Up machine in this latest episode of Game Genie Review. Is the cabinet worth the money? Did Arcade1Up make my childhood dream come true? is this cabinet big enough for …
Preview of EmuELEC on the Odroid N2
Here is a look at the Emuelec running on the Odroid N2. More info on the Retro Achievements: http://retroachievements.org/ Kirk’s YouTube channel showcasing the Retro Achievements: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuZZ96-pn7E&t=193s More at: http://gamester81.com/ Follow me at: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gamester81Fanpage Twitter: https://twitter.com/gamester81 Instagram: http://instagram.com/gamester81 My …
New Upcoming NES Game: Trophy
Here is a new upcoming game for the Nintendo Entertainment System called Trophy. Links: -The 6502 Collective Website: https://6502collective.com/ -Kickstarter Campaign and Trailer: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/solegoose/trophy Social Media: -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The6502Collective/ -Twitter: https://twitter.com/6502Collective/ -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the6502collective/ More at: http://gamester81.com/ Follow me at: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gamester81Fanpage …
Gaming Linguistics – Episode 9: How To Pronounce GRADIUS
I watched NefariousWes’ latest Gradius video and was wondering…how do you pronounce Gradius? Today, we try to find out. Special thanks to Wes for providing some gameplay footage and assistance with the thumbnail, etc, as well as Jimmy Hapa aka …
Arcade1Up…I think I have a problem | MichaelBtheGameGenie
In this video I describe my experience with Arcade1Up. What started as curiosity has turned into full blow obsession as I now find myself infatuated with this product and seemingly unable to stop buying more. How did I get started? …
Switch Game – A Hole New World Collector’s Edition Unboxing and Review
Here is an unboxing of A Hole New World game for the Switch. Additional information can be found at 1st Press Game’s website: https://firstpressgames.com/ Mad Gear Games Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/madgeargames/ 1st Press Games Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/firstpressgames/ More at: http://gamester81.com/ Follow me at: …
Wallachia Reign of Dracula on Steam – Review-
Here is a closer look a a new. game called Wallachia Reign of Dracula. It’s available on Steam here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1189780/Wallachia_Reign_of_Dracula This game is by Migami Games: /https://www.facebook.com/MigamiGames/ More at: http://gamester81.com/ Follow me at: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gamester81Fanpage Twitter: https://twitter.com/gamester81 Instagram: http://instagram.com/gamester81 My …
Dude, You Haven’t Played This Game?! Actraiser Review SNES
Mike thinks he can control his cat Zelda with the power of The Master’s helmet, from Actraiser. He’d better think again, and instead put that effort into reviewing the game! Actraiser was a launch title for the Super NES and …
New Game Boy Color Game – Tobu Tobu Girl Deluxe Review
Here is a closer look at a brand new Game Boy game called Tobu Tobu Girl Deluxe by Tangram Games and published by First Press Games. For additional details, please check out First Press Game’s site here: https://firstpressgames.com/ For additional posts …
Pokémon Center NY | Deep Dive into Recovered Campaigns + New History, Details & Demise
Hard4Games continues preservation efforts with the Pokemon Center New York distribution hardware! Plus new store details from former employees. The Pokemon Center New York’s “Gotta Catch ‘Em All! Station” was thought to be destroyed. Fortunately that was not the case. …
LOST Pokémon Center NY | Event Distribution Machine Found & Preserved!
The Pokemon Center New York’s “Gotta Catch ‘Em All! Station” was thought to be destroyed. Fortunately that was not the case. Today we showcase the station’s hardware, NR GameCube discs, cartridge writer, and event distribution campaigns for Pokemon generations 2 …
Pinball Hall of Fame Walkthrough 2020 in Las Vegas, NV
Here is a walkthrough of the Pinball Hall of Fame located in Las Vegas, NV. It’s an awesome place with ton of different games to play. More at: http://gamester81.com/ Follow me at: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gamester81Fanpage Twitter: https://twitter.com/gamester81 Instagram: http://instagram.com/gamester81 My other …
Build Your Own Custom Sega Genesis Mini
My friend Kirk and I build our own custom Sega Genesis Mini. Kirk’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/qbertaddict1 You can order the Retroflag MEGAPi case here: https://www.amazon.com/Retroflag-Functional-Shutdown-Heatsinks-Raspberry/dp/B07K8HGF2Y More details about the Blast16 frontend can be found here: http://www.blast16project.com/ The Blast16 User Manual …
A Link to the Past Review and Retrospective
NESComplex breaks A Link to the Past down and examines its history and great legacy for the franchise and for video games in general. It’s a full review and a full retrospective of one of the greatest games of all …
Can this kid beat the first level of “The Revenge of Shinobi”?
Can this kid beat the first level of “The Revenge of Shinobi”? MEDIA GLITCH Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MediaGlitchShow Twitter https://twitter.com/joelvallie TUMBLR http://mediaglitchshow.tumblr.com INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/jvvallie PERSONAL WEBSITE http://www.joelvalliefilms.com Want to send us mail? Here’s the address JOEL VALLIE PO BOX 65044 Albuquerque, NM …
Nintendo 64DD – How to Emulate on PC | Flashcart | MAC – H4G
Hard4Games showcases how to emulate the rare, Japanese-only Nintendo 64DD on the PC, MAC, and flashcart! Special thanks to LuigiBlood: https://64dd.org/ Jump to Section: PC: 3:57 https://youtu.be/2JjqTepKt_w?t=237 Flashcart: 6:59 https://youtu.be/2JjqTepKt_w?t=419 MAC: 9:09 https://youtu.be/2JjqTepKt_w?t=548 JOIN US ►► Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Hard4GamesEntertainment Patreon: …
Where do you buy, sell, and trade, games these days?
The Morning Wood Is Back! (With Pick Ups & More!)
Morning Wood Is BACK! Dreamcast, PSP and Nintendo Pick Ups, co-hosted by Super Derek, plus Chris stops by to let us know what has been pissing him off lately! Remember to hit that Like button, leave a Comment and …
The most star studded VGS episode ever!!!
Gamester81 The Video Game will be available at CGE & PRGE
Due to popular demand, I’ve decided to do a second printing of my game Gamester81 The Video Game for the ColecoVision system. I’ll be selling these in hand at both the Classic Gaming Expo in Vegas on September 12th-14th (http://www.cgexpo.com), …
Super Genesis II Turbo Ep. 23 – Do You Even Blackgate?
In this episode, GaminTank and Dark Morris discuss how they approach a video game. Audio Version ► Download Here! Dark Morris’ Channel ► http://www.youtube.com/lusterthelonewolf Stay connected through social media! Twitter ► http://www.twitter.com/gamintank Facebook ► http://www.facebook.com/gamintank Tumblr ► http://gamintank.tumblr.com/ For additional videos by GaminTank: Click Here …
The Quest for NES Episode 1 feat. Retro Liberty
In this premier episode of the Quest for NES Grimsie42 explains the format going forward for this new series. He also features some tips, and some special guests. For more from Grimsie42: Click here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum
Donkey Kong Land Review
Stay connected through social media! Twitter ► http://bit.ly/GT-Twitter Facebook ► http://bit.ly/GaminTankFB Tumblr ► http://bit.ly/tumblrGT Google+ ► http://bit.ly/GaminTankPlus For additional videos by GaminTank: Click Here Join the new Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum
Video Game Pickups – As of 11/30/13
For additional videos by Razor: Click Here Join the new Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum
Grand Theft Auto Online Pool Glitch
Stay connected through social media! Twitter ► http://bit.ly/GT-Twitter Facebook ► http://bit.ly/GaminTankFB Tumblr ► http://bit.ly/tumblrGT Google+ ► http://bit.ly/GaminTankPlus For additional videos by GaminTank: Click Here Join the new Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum
The Worlds Largest Retro Arcade-Funspot!
Funspot located in Laconia, New Hampshire and home to ACAM (American Classic Arcade Museum) aka the “worlds largest collection of classic arcade machines”. The majority of their machines range from the early 70’s to no later than early 90’s. Mainly …
Awesome Game Room Tour! 2,500+ Games & More!
I take a walkthrough of Big Mike’s (from ChargeBackForward) game room, and I’m blown away at how awesome it is! Curious what 2,500+ games complete in box looks like? Be prepared to be shocked at what you’ll see! Check …
Bonkers SEGA Mega Drive / Genesis Review
This video was submitted by FirehouseGames Click here to check out more videos, and to subscribe to his channel. Submit your own “User Spotlight” by joining the Gamester81.com forums and embedding the video here: Click Here
YouTube Gaming Community:eDrama
First off let me start off by mentioning that I’m a huge fan of the gaming community on YouTube. I’ve been a part of it since 2008, and have been making videos nearly every week since 2009. I’ve made …
“GlennPlant” has been playing video games for as long as he can remember. From playing Mario on the NES for the first time at his friends’ house, to getting his first console the Sega MegaDrive with Sonic at launch. …
The Walking Dead Hits Retailers
Game of the Year Winner – The Walking Dead – from Telltale Games Now Available at Retail in North America Based on Robert Kirkman’s comic book series, Winner of Game of the Year at the 10th Annual Spike TV Video …
Check out this great selection of games and items I got for a great deal. Part 2 should be up hopefully soon, so stay tuned. Thanks for watching !
Matt is a young but keen gamer, with a passion for everything new and retro. He grew up with an older brother who introduced him to many systems, ranging from the Amstrad CPC 464 to the NES. As …
Contagion Interview
More information here: http://www.contagion-game.com/ For additional videos by Gamester81: Click Here Join the new Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum
The Walking Dead Episode Four
SAN RAFAEL, Calif., Oct. 10, 2012 — Leading publisher of digital entertainment Telltale Games and Robert Kirkman, the Eisner Award-winning creator and writer of The Walking Dead for Skybound and Image Comics, announced today that ‘Around Every Corner’ the fourth episode …
Pandora’s Box…Where Is the Pandora Handheld?
Greek mythology legend explains Pandora as being the first woman who was molded from clay by the Greek gods. She eventually opened a jar unintentionally releasing all the evils of mankind. People refer to this small jar today …
Days of Thunder Game Review
Days of Thunder for the NES! Whoo……guh…. Please leave comments below, “like” and share, and be apart of the Gamester81 forums. Click here:
History of Consoles-Atari Video Music (1976)
Atari Video Music History: In 1976 Atari released the Atari Video Music system. Though technically the Atari Video Music system isn’t a gaming console, it was designed by Robert Brown, who was one of the guys who had worked on …
Nintendo Pocket Power (89′) Review
Nintendo Pocket Power Mini-Magazine Published: December 1989 Cost: Free (promotional item When I was only eight years old I attended the opening night of the movie The Wizard (staring Fred Savage from The Wonder Years). I went with my two …
Star Wars Xbox 360 System Review
How many video game references can you find in this video? Please leave comments below, “like” and share, and be apart of the Gamester81 forums. Click here:
Mass Effect 3 – Uninformed Videogame Reviews
Greetings all in the internet realm! Jerry Bloop here with Uninformed Videogame Reviews. This month I attempt to review Xenoblade Chronicles, Ninja Gaiden 3, and Prototype 2. Really Fast Reviews takes a look at Kid Icarus: Uprising, Star …
Sega Genesis/Mega Drive VS. Super Nintendo
The battle between the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive and the Super Nintendo back in the early 1990’s was classic! What 16 bit system do you like more? Sega Genesis VS. Super Nintendo What 16 bit system do you like …
Borderlands 2 Interview
Discuss this episode also on the Gamester81 forum! Click here:
Review Ninja Gaiden 3
Ninja Gaiden 3. Available for the Xbox 360 and PS3. Rated M. $59.99 Developed By Team Ninja. Discuss this episode also on the Gamester81 forum! Click here:
Why Don’t You Just Play it Yourself…
Why Don’t You Just Play it Yourself… There’s a terrible trend that has been taking form in the video industry over the past few years and it’s doing a lot of damage. I’m speaking of “band wagon jumping reviews”. …
It’s been rumored for some time now that SNK Playmore was going to be working on a Neo-Geo Handheld and today the rumor that has been previously debunked comes to light. A recent article on Joystiq reports that the fabled Neo-Geo …
Alan Wake’s American Nightmare (Xbox360)-Written Review
Remedy Games has finally launched their answer to Alan Wake 2, in the form of a downloadable game, but does this title fall short compared to the physical release of Alan Wake for the Xbox 360? Or does it live up to …
What is your favorite gaming handheld of all time? Poll
What is your favorite gaming handheld? What is your favorite gaming handheld? Apple iPod/iPad Atari Lynx Bandai Wonderswan Gizmondo NEC Turbo Express Neo Geo Pocket Nintendo 3DS Nintendo DS/DSi/DSi XL Nintendo Gamboy Nintendo Gamboy Advance Nintendo Color …
This Week In Gaming News for 2/23/2012
Persona4 Arena, Alan Wake is Awake and Pirate transvestites? Check out gamester81.com’s This Week In Gaming News! Boy has this been a busy week for me; I’ve been playing catch up on a large series of games all throughout the …
Medal of Honor Review (Xbox360)
While Call of Duty and other various high octane first person shooters may focus on massive and unrealistic Hollywood style effects and scenarios, Medal of Honor takes a much more honest approach to combat, sadly it can be said that at …
Discuss this episode also on the Gamester81 forum! Click here: Facebook Fan Page – http://www.facebook.com/chargebackforward Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/cbfshow Charge Back Forward’s Official Site – http://www.chargebackforward.com Production Team – http://www.parker6product.com Creep our personal Facebook Profiles – http://www.facebook.com/people/Mike-Falkingham/555081222 http://facebook.com/people/Terence-Kelsey/515225057 …
CHARGE BACK FORWARD’s Top 5 Games of 2011
TheGamesMonster (NES Quest)
View all posts by TheGamesMonster → TheGamesMonster (Phil) , completed his first game, Sonic the Hedgehog for the Sega Master System at only 4 years old.Completely gutted that his dad completed it first the day before him, he moved on to …
A Hero’s Legacy.
24 years ago Capcom was an up and coming arcade game maker that was making its’ first strides into home consoles by porting their arcade titles. Hungry for a new challenge they decided to create a brand new intellectual property …
Where Do You Buy Your VideoGames?
Where do you buy your videogames? Where Do You Buy Your Games? Where do you buy your vidoegames most of the time? Amazon Best Buy ebay Flea Market GameStop/EB Games Garage Sales Play N Trade Steam Target Wal-Mart I …
“Showbiz” Isn’t Always Easy
The Rise and Fall of Showbiz Pizza Place It seams as though there are some things in life that are just meant to be together, like peanut butter and jelly, baseball and hotdogs, popcorn and movies, and pizza and arcade …
Eric Durant
View all posts by Nightoftheliving8bit → Hailing from the mighty mighty east coast, Eric has spent the majority of his life being a passionate and devoted gamer. From the 80’s all the way up to today, Eric has played countless games over the …
View all posts by SMAAAASHTV → SmaaaashTV aka Dave grew up in Southern California and has been playing video games since the age of 4. He started off with the Intellivision and moved onto the NES. His love for video games …
Rob Man
View all posts by RobMan → Rob Man Although probably best known as the MegaMan obsessed co-host of Happy Console Gamer, Rob is a true old school, hard core gamer. His first gaming experience was at the tender age …
The Game Chasers Episode 9 That’s Just The Way Game Chasing Go
With a three day weekend of Game Chasing ahead of them, the boys embark on a little known town in the middle of nowhere to visit their gigantic once a month flea market. Will this small town reveal big treasure, …
The Game Chasers
View all posts by Captain8bit → Billy Billy has been gaming since the Atari 2600 and Intellivision, but “true gaming” for him started his first NES. He fell in love with gaming at that moment and his passion continues to this …
Digital Press Videogame Store
Gamester81 visits Digital Press Videogames located in Clifton, NJ. Digital Press carries a variety of retro and modern games and is a gamer’s paradise. Digital Press’ website: http://digitpress.com/ Freddy’s (78StriderStrikesBack) Channel: http://www.youtube.com/78striderstrikesback
Retro Gaming, hosted by John Pio focuses on forgotten and not so forgotten classic Arcade games of yesterday. Each episode gives you an insightful review of the game as well as commentary, game history and a little humor thrown in. …
