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Tag Archives: Wii U
WE’RE BACK! (Yes, really!) – Game Pickups: 30 Titles including PS1, PS4, PS5, NES, Switch & MORE!)
It’s about damn time I did a pickups video with my buddy Reggie! Can you believe it’s been over a year?! Games Shown: XenoCrisis (Vita) Demon Tier+ (Vita) Monstrum (PS4) Demon’s Souls (PS5) Midnight Run (PS1) Returnal (PS5) …
VGBS 68 – The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Wii U & Switch)
Topics Include: Getting the Switch/Zelda Bundle Uncovering the Vast Hyrule Landscape The Sheikah Slate Button Programming Size and Scope – Past and Present Enemies of Old Return Epic Battles Abound! Wild Realism in Newer Games When Thy Weapon Breaks… Obtaining …
Chris and Kendra’s Corner!
Will talks to his friends Chris and Kendra about the Nintendo Wii U! For additional posts by Maximpact24: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum Star Wars fan? Then check out our sister site: http://swnut77.com
Long Live the Wii U! (Celebrating Nintendo’s Most Underrated Console) – Cygnus Destroyer
Subscribe for great justice! ► http://bit.ly/LJNDefender The Nintendo Switch is currently flying off store shelves across the globe, but the Switch wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for the Wii U. Released in November 2012, the commercially failed successor …
RIP Wii U – The BEST and the WORST of the Nintendo Wii U | RGT 85
RIP Wii U – The Wii U was a misunderstood system that failed in the grand scheme of things. And while the Nintendo Wii U had it’s problems, there is more than enough positive things to talk about when …
Has Nintendo Switch Been Marketed Better Than The Wii U?
The Nintendo Switch VS Wii U Marketing. The Switch has Two New Commercials being played during The Super Bowl. That, on top of the Nintendo Switches more adult targeted advertising, is it safe to say The Switch has had …
Should You Buy Nintendo Switch OR Wii U?
Is The Nintendo Switch Worth It? Should You Still Buy A Wii U? Should You Buy A Nintendo Switch OR A Wii U? Hopefully this video will help you decide which system is best for you right now, as …
LJN Defender Vs. AVGN Adventures!
Subscribe for great justice! ► http://bit.ly/LJNDefender The Angry Video Game Nerd has been trashing “bad” games for over a decade now and he’s influenced a ton of gaming YouTubers in the process, myself included. After receiving many requests, …
Is The Wii U Still Worth It?
Is The Wii U Worth It? Should You Buy A Wii U In 2016? What Are The Best Games For The Wii U? I revisit this system after 3 years, show off every amazing exclusive for the Wii U …
Mighty No. 9 – INNOCENT Until Proven Guilty!
Subscribe for great justice! ► http://bit.ly/LJNDefender Mighty No. 9 is finally here, and its release has been met with a lot of disappointment and anger. Marketed as a spiritual successor to Mega Man from Keiji Inafune himself, Mighty No. …
NOOB REPAIR EPISODE 2: Removing Rental Stamps From Discs
In this episode of NOOB REPAIR, Mike shows you how to remove those pesky rental stamps that video rental places used. These were typically used by mom and pop places. Special thanks to DariaPlays for the tip! Check out her …
Super Mario Mash-Up Pack Wii U – My Day At Nintendo Headquarters
Nintendo is partnering with Mojang and Microsoft to bring the imaginative worlds of the Super Mario series and Minecraft together. I spent a couple hours in Nintendo Headquarters, exploring and getting the chance to play the game! For additional …
Star Fox Zero vs. Star Fox 64 – What’s the Better Star Fox?
Star Fox Zero has finally hit the Wii U, and is a pretty fun game. Can it upstage the classic Star Fox 64 though? Let’s find out! And if you wondering just who I am, I’m Shawn Long. I …
The All Gen Gamers are BACK with their long antisipated episode 199! Join Pete, John, Jason and Ben as they launch back into the Podcast realm! The boys give their opinions on the worst console generation, and the new Nintendo …
Devil’s Third – INNOCENT Until Proven Guilty!
Subscribe for great justice! ► http://bit.ly/LJNDefender Devil’s Third for the Wii U has a very interesting story. Originally intended to be an Xbox 360/Playstation 3 game from THQ in 2010, it was finally released by Nintendo in 2015. Devil’s …
Hey guys, first post on Gamester81 and I picked my toughest “Pick 3” to date. To quickly fill in new viewers, “Pick 3 with PGP” is a show where I give my Top 3 Best/Worst or whatever of any …
New Wii U & Xbox One Game update! Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayans
In this video I show an exclusive look at a new upcoming game that we are working on for the Xbox One, Wii U and Steam called Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayans. More info about CollectorVision Games: https://www.facebook.com/Collectorvision …
Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric – INNOCENT Until Proven Guilty!
Subscribe for great justice! ► http://bit.ly/LJNDefender Move over Sonic ’06! Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric is apparently the new worst Sonic the Hedgehog game. Based on the cartoon of the same name, Sonic Boom was brought to the …
Can I Fix a Broken Wii U Charging Cable? I’m ‘A Frayed’ To Find Out
My daughters stretched out my Wii U charging cable to the point of no return. It finally snapped. Instead of snapping, myself, in anger, I looked it over and looks like I can fix it. Let’s find out! For additional …
Christmas Pick Ups: Pick Ups Vol 6. – RetroGamingTube 85
Christmas time means time for friends and family, and most importantly, getting video games! Check out what I picked up this Holiday season in my latest volume of Pick Ups! And if you wondering just who I am, I’m …
New Xbox One & Wii U game 1st look! Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayans
Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayans is a new game we at CollectorVision games are developing. It’s coming out for the Wii U, Xbox One, PS4, NES, Genesis and Sega CD, and will come out sometime for …
One Life Wife – 06 – Donkey Kong
This time the wife takes on the NES port of the arcade classic Donkey Kong on the Wii U virtual console. Will she be able to take down the titular monkey with a single life? Is it even fair to …
One Life Wife – 05 – Punch-Out!!
Taking on the notorious Punch-Out!!, sans Mike Tyson, on the Wii-U. How will the wife fare when the game isn’t as much about button mashing as it is about timing? Please subscribe and share! https://www.youtube.com/thesubcon3 Also Find me at: http://hagensalley.wordpress.com …
Toon Tanks (Wii U) Review | 8-Bit Eric
8-Bit Eric reviews Toon Tanks for the Wii U. A game that plays a lot like the Atari 2600 classic Combat. How does this game fare up? Check it out. Toon Tanks is available for download on the Wii U …
Walmart Exclusive Nintendo Wii U Super Mario Maker system bundle unboxing
In this video I show what’s included with the Wal-Mart exclusive Super Mario Maker Wii U bundle that includes an exclusive Amiibo. Gamester81 Shirts: http://www.chopshopgoods.com/category_s/1951.htm My Star Wars fan site: http://swnut77.com Follow me at: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gamester81FanPage Twitter: https://twitter.com/gamester81 Instagram: http://instagram.com/gamester81 …
News about upcoming game releases! For additional posts by VideoGameSellers: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum Star Wars fan? Then check out our sister site: http://swnut77
ittle Dew (Wii U) Review | 8-Bit Eric
8-Bit Eric reviews ittle Dew. A game that pays homage to the Legend of Zelda. For additional posts by 8biteric: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum Star Wars fan? Then check out our sister site: http://swnut77.com
Parental Gaming: Thoughts On Disney Infinity
Hey guys today I want to share my thoughts on both the Disney Infinity games with you and have a little look at our Marvel collection that goes with it. I talked a little about this game in a couple …
1001 Spikes (Wii U) Review | 8-Bit Eric
8-Bit Eric reviews 1001 Spikes, a retro-style adventure game full of danger! For additional posts by 8biteric: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum Star Wars fan? Then check out our sister site: http://swnut77.com
Parental Video Gaming: Beating Our First Game
Beating Our First Game! You know as guy in his 30’s (early 30’s I might add!) I have got stored in my memory banks some pretty special gaming memories. As a kid my parents were great when it came to …
Characters that should be in Smash Bros | 8-Bit Eric
8-Bit Eric gives his Top Ten Characters that should be in Smash Bros. Subscribe to 8-Bit Eric
Super Smash Bros Wii U Review | 3KB
It’s time for Jay to review Nintendo’s biggest gun of 2014, Super Smash Bros Wii U. Loot Crate: http://www.lootcrate.com/3kb 3KB Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/3killabytes Follow 3_KILLA_BYTES on Twitter: http://twitter.com/3killabytes http://twitter.com/JayHooft http://twitter.com/kat_jovey http://twitter.com/terence3kb 3_killa_bytes Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/3killabytes 3KB Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3KBVlog/ …
How to Unlock ALL Hidden Characters In Super Smash Brothers for the Wii U Grimsie42
In this video Grimsie42 shows the fastest, and easiest way to unlock all 8 hidden characters in the new Smash Brothers game for the Wii U. Using this technique you should be able to unlock them all in under an hour. …
Hyrule Warriors Review | 3KB
Kat and Jay review the Dynasty Warriors/Legend of Zelda mash-up, Hyrule Warriors on Nintendo Wii U. Loot Crate: http://www.lootcrate.com/3kb 3KB Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/3killabytes Follow 3_KILLA_BYTES on Twitter: http://twitter.com/3killabytes http://twitter.com/JayHooft http://twitter.com/kat_jovey http://twitter.com/terence3kb 3_killa_bytes Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/3killabytes 3KB Support Group: …
3KB Legends: Tim vs Allan | Mario Kart 8 | 3KB
Mario Kart 8 gameplay action with Jay…and he’s joined by 3KB legends, Allen and Tim! 3KB Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/3killabytes Follow 3_KILLA_BYTES on Twitter: http://twitter.com/3killabytes http://twitter.com/JayHooft http://twitter.com/kat_jovey http://twitter.com/terence3kb 3_killa_bytes Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/3killabytes 3KB Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3KBVlog/ Jay’s Channel: …
Revenge! Kat vs Jay PART 2 | Mario Kart 8 | 3KB
You want more Kat vs Jay Mario Kart 8 action?!? You got it!!! 3KB Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/3killabytes Follow 3_KILLA_BYTES on Twitter: http://twitter.com/3killabytes http://twitter.com/JayHooft http://twitter.com/kat_jovey http://twitter.com/terence3kb 3_killa_bytes Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/3killabytes 3KB Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3KBVlog/ Jay’s Channel: http://www.youtube.com/Jason3KB Kat’s Channel: …
Revenge! Kat vs Jay | Mario Kart 8 | 3KB
Guy vs. Girl kart action in Mario Kart 8!!!! 3KB Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/3killabytes Follow 3_KILLA_BYTES on Twitter: http://twitter.com/3killabytes http://twitter.com/JayHooft http://twitter.com/kat_jovey http://twitter.com/terence3kb 3_killa_bytes Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/3killabytes 3KB Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3KBVlog/ Jay’s Channel: http://www.youtube.com/Jason3KB Kat’s Channel: http://www.youtube.com/KatharineJovey Terence’s Channel: http://www.youtube.com/chargebackforward A …
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Wii U) Review | 8-Bit Eric
8-Bit Eric reviews Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze For additional posts by 8biteric: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum
Shovel Knight (3DS) Review
GaminTank takes a look at Shovel Knight on 3DS. A game inspired by the best “NES Hard” games. Is it any good? Special Thanks to Blazzer Sora, for the footage. https://www.youtube.com/user/BlazzerSora Check out the Shovel Knight Soundtrack! http://virt.bandcamp.com/album/shovel-knight-original-soundtrack Stay connected …
Wood&Chris Classic Pick Ups – More Stuff From Tyler
Wood and Chris bought a load more stuff from Tyler, as well as other great finds in this classic Pick Ups video! Remember to Subscribe!! Follow BeatEmUps on Twitter – @TheGameQuest On Facebook – facebook.com/BeatEmUps Instagram – @TheGameQuest For additional …
HOW THE ENTIRE WORLD REACTED TO ZELDA WII U Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Retroli… Watch us on http://dev2017.gamester81.com Follow us on twitter https://twitter.com/R
Nintendo E3 2014 Overview | 3KB
Did Nintendo pull it off at this year’s e3? 3KB Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/3killabytes Follow 3_KILLA_BYTES on Twitter: http://twitter.com/3killabytes http://twitter.com/JayHooft http://twitter.com/kat_jovey http://twitter.com/terence3kb 3_killa_bytes Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/3killabytes 3KB Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3KBVlog/ Jay’s Channel: http://www.youtube.com/Jason3KB Kat’s Channel: http://www.youtube.com/KatharineJovey Terence’s Channel: http://www.youtube.com/chargebackforward A …
Mario Kart 8 (Wii U) Review | 8-Bit Eric
8-Bit Eric reviews Mario Kart 8 for the Wii U!For additional posts by 8biteric: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum
Mario Kart 8 Review | 3KB
3KB reviews the new Mario Kart 8 for the Nintendo Wii U! 3KB Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/3killabytes Follow 3_KILLA_BYTES on Twitter: http://twitter.com/3killabytes http://twitter.com/JayHooft http://twitter.com/kat_jovey http://twitter.com/terence3kb 3_killa_bytes Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/3killabytes 3KB Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3KBVlog/ Jay’s Channel: http://www.youtube.com/Jason3KB Kat’s Channel: http://www.youtube.com/KatharineJovey …
Super Luigi Bros. (Wii U) Review | 8-Bit Eric
For additional posts by 8biteric: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum
Unepic (Wii U) Review | 8-Bit Eric
8-Bit Eric reviews Unepic for the Wii U. For additional posts by 8biteric: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum
Is Nintendo In Trouble? Feat. Gamester81
Today Jimmy and John talk about Nintendo. Make sure to check out Gamester81’s channel. He does an amazing job with reviewing games and consoles. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLEmTLrtuNd7gn98Lvl0_lA So do you guys think Nintendo is in trouble? Please make sure to make your …
Why I’m Boycotting Nintendo
First before you guys send the lynch mobs after me, allow me to start by stating that I have been a huge fan of Nintendo since I got into gaming. Outside of the Nintendo Entertainment System (which my parents …
Nintendo is Hurtin’ for Certain-Five Reasons Why
It seems like not long ago when Nintendo was dominating the console markets; both home home and handheld. Only a few years ago the Wii had sold more total consoles than both the Sony Playstation 3 and the Microsoft Xbox …
Wii U should U?
Been thinking of buying a Wii U? Has Nintendo’s recent plunge on the stock market, or lack of quality 1st party titles scared you away from this once un-challenged brand? Well let Grimsie42 show you his opinion on the Wii U. …
Top 5 Bucket List Games For 2013 Featuring Joel From Media Glitch
Today Joel (Media Glitch) and Lots of Games go over the top 5 games that they did not get the chance to play in 2013. What games from 2013 are you hoping to play soon? Make sure to check …
Backlog Episode I (10 Game Reviews in 1 Video)
Hey guys. Here’s a video I’ve been working on for the last 5 months or so. I announced in a previous video that I’d be playing through some games in my backlog and I’ll review them all. Here are …
Yoshi (NES/Wii U Eshop) Review
8-Bit Eric takes a look at Yoshi for the NES/Wii U. For additional posts by 8biteric: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum
Batman Arkham Origins Information
I talk to Hanny Duong from WB Games, and we discuss the new Batman Arkham Origins game. For additional posts by Gamester81: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum
New Castle of Illusion Information
For additional posts by Gamester81: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum
DuckTales Remastered Review
DuckTales Remastered recently came out for the PC, PS3, Wii U and soon the Xbox 360. It’s a re-envisioned update to the original NES game. So how is it? Is it worth picking up? Find out here. Thanks to www.g2po.com …
Review-DuckTales Remastered HD
Today I get the chance to review Ducktales Remastered. Ducktales for the NES was one of my favorite games for that console. Ducktales Remastered is now available for the PS3, PC (STEAM) AND WiiU. Ducktales Remastered will be coming to …
Hauppauge HD PVR 2 Game Capture Device (Product Review)
Here is a review over the HD PVR 2 game capture device by Hauppauge. You can now capture your PS3, Xbox 360 & Wii U gameplay in HD. Hauppauge’s Website: http://www.hauppauge.com/ Hauppauge’s Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hauppaugecomputerworks Doghouse Systems’ Website: http://www.doghousesystems.com/ G2PO’s Website: http://g2po.com/#home For additional …
E3 2013: MikeB’s Thoughts
MichaelB weighs in on the 2013 Electronic Entertainment Expo with his uninvolved and nostalgic opinion on what was showcased. Find out what he thinks of the release of the XBOX ONE and PS4, as well as the surprise announcement of …
Finally! Terence’s ridiculous conclusion to his E3 coverage! How did Nintendo fair after the pissing contest that was the Sony/Microsoft Press Conference stand off? For additional videos by Charge Back Forward: Click Here Join the new Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum
Nintendo teaming up with Best Buy for “The Nintendo Experience”
Nintendo is teaming up with Best Buy locations throughout the US and Canada and offering gamers an opportunity to demo upcoming Wii U titles in select Best Buy locations. According to a leaked source from Best Buy, the following games …
Review Resident Evil: Revelations (Xbox 360, PS3, PC, Wii U, 3DS)
Today I get the chance to review Resident Evil: Revelations. Resident Evil: Revelations takes players back to the events that took place between Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5, revealing the truth about the T-Abyss virus. Resident Evil …
Nintendo Expected To See Big Losses
Nintendo President Satoru Iwata promised less than three months ago to improve Nintendo’s financial performances. Mr. Iwata had pledged that Nintendo would see an operation profit of 100 billion yen (1 billion USD), yet unfortunately things aren’t going to …
Nintendo’s Big Announcements: Link to the Past 2, Earthbound & More…
Earlier today Nintendo announced some huge news during their Nintendo Direct. They announced a new The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 2 for the 3DS (no official release date yet), and some great firmware updates …
Halo 4 – Uninformed Videogame Reviews
Greetings all in the internet realm! Jerry Bloop here with Uninformed Videogame Reviews. This month I attempt to review Halo 4, Far Cry 3, The Walking Dead Game and Hitman Absolution. Really Fast Reviews takes a look at …
Top 5 Wii U Likes/Dislikes
The Nintendo Wii U has been out for several weeks now and I’ve had an opportunity to play with it for awhile to form some opinions both good and bad. Here are my top 5 things I like and …
Wii U – Things To Do While Waiting For The Day One Firmware – CHARGE BACK FORWARD
The Title says it all! Originally slated as being at the end of CHARGE BACK FORWARD’S Wii U LAUNCH PARTY video, this coda is better suited as a stand alone.
Prepare yourself for a candid look into the Wii U Launch Party hosted by your friends at CHARGE BACK FORWARD. As always, hilarity ensues. For additional videos by Charge Back Forward: Click Here Join the new Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum
Nintendo Wii U System Review
Part 1: Part 2: For additional videos by Gamester81: Click Here Join the new Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum
Highlights from PAX Prime 2012
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Weenus Penis Uranus — Uninformed Videogame Reviews
Greetings all in the internet realm! Jerry Bloop here with Uninformed Videogame Reviews. This month I attempt to review the Wii U, World Of Warcraft: Mists Of Pandaria, Borderland 2, and Tekken Tag Tournament 2. Really Fast Reviews …
Nintendo Announces Wii U Price and Launch Dates
Nintendo announced today that their new Wii U console will be available in North America on November 18th, in Europe on November 30th, and in Japan on December 8th of 2012. In North America the Wii U will …
Aliens: Colonial Marines Xenos Vs. Marines Trailer
Aliens: Colonial Marines will be available in stores across the globe on February 12, 2013 on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Windows PC. A release date for the announced Wii U version will be revealed at a later time. For …
Top 5 Games of E3 2012
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