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The History Of Robotech: Crystal Dreams | The Uncommon Valley
After purchasing the license for Robotech video games from Activision, GameTek submitted a pitch for the game to Nintendo. Nintendo approved the project, and a team of ten was assembled to work on the game. The game was announced on …
VIDEO GAME HUNTING in Portland /w REGGIE + PICKUPS! (PC, 3DS, Switch, Atari & more!)
Metal Jesus & Reggie take a road trip from Seattle to Portland Oregon for the Video Game Swap Meet! A two day event with nothing but vendors selling awesome video games. At the end of the video I show …
Intellivision Amico – What’s the Future Look Like?
Jeff and I discuss the future of the Intellivision Amico, and share our thoughts. What do you think? Leave a comment and let us know. Premium Edition Games https://premiumeditiongames.com/ Hagen’s Alley Books: https://www.hagensalley.com/ For additional posts by Gamester81: Click Here …
LOST N64 GAME FOUND! Carnivalé: Cenzo’s Adventure
Hard4Games showcases the lost game Carnivalé: Cenzo’s Adventure for N64! Developed by TerraGlyph, the title followed the premise of Carnivale, an obscure animated film released in Europe. It was to be published by Vatical Entertainment, but was dropped after …
The Mandalorian Pinball Machine is Awesome!
I recently bought the new The Mandalorian pinball machine by Stern. In this video I take a closer look at it. More at: http://gamester81.com/ For additional posts by Gamester81: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://gamester81.com/forum My Star Wars fan site: http://swnut77.com
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon HD Remake Intro
My team and I recently submitted our HD remake proposal to Konami as a part of their contest. Huge shoutout to my team at CollectorVision Games who did a great job with this intro. Let me know what you think …
EarthBound 64 Recreation (Early Prototype)
Hard4Games checks out an EarthBound 64 / Mother 3 recreation! The aim is to rebuild the entirety of the cancelled game’s scenario and battles into a playable, seamless state. For additional posts by Hard4Games: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://gamester81.com/forum …
Pixelcade LED Digital Game Marquee, MSU1 Super Game Boy & EmuELEC 4.4 Test Build
In this video I take a look at a very cool digital marquee by Pixelcade. It is compatible with MAME, Arcade1up arcade cabs, digital pinball machines, PC’s, single board computers, and is a great display item for any game room. …